Last chance to register for the Dean's Distinguished Lecture | What They Never Taught You in School About Healthcare Career Pathways by Richard J. Barohn, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Hugh E. and Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, University of Missouri School of Medicine March 6, 2023, 7 to 8 p.m. – Community Lecture Location: UCI Beall Applied Innovation
How to Run Multi-center Federally Funded Clinical Trials on $1,000 a Day by Richard J. Barohn, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Hugh E. and Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, University of Missouri School of Medicine March 7, 2023, 12 to 1 p.m. – Scientific Lecture Location: Podlich Family Conference Room, UCI Medical Center, Orange. |
School of Medicine Applications for Bridge Funding Due March 27 | Please note that the next UCI Office of Research Deadline for Bridge Funding is Monday, April 3, 2023. Complete applications must include a signed letter of support by your department chair showing financial commitment. Applications are due to the School of Medicine Office of Research via this form on or before Monday, March 27, 2023. |
NIH Fellowship Writing Course Spring 2023 | We are pleased to announce the return of the NIH Fellowship writing course in spring quarter 2023. This 8-week, 2-unit course is designed to help PhD students & postdocs to write successful applications for NIH F30/F31/F32 fellowships. The course meets Mondays from 4-5 p.m. and most sessions are via Zoom. The course includes a mix of in-person and pre-recorded lectures, interactive discussions, and peer group editing of fellowship writing samples.
We recommend the course for anyone who is thinking of submitting (or re-submitting) an F-series application in August 2023, December 2023, or April 2024. PhD students in their first year of the graduate program are advised to wait until year 2. PhD students who register for the course (UNI STU 231; course code 87950) will have access to the Canvas course space and syllabus at: https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/courses/53364, and Postdocs who are interested should email Dr. David Fruman (dfruman@uci.edu) with their UCInet ID and he will add them as Additional Students to the Canvas site. |
Incentive Plan for New MPI School of Medicine-BioSci Grant Submissions | The School of Medicine and the School of Biological Sciences Offices of the Dean are pleased to announce the renewal of the School of Medicine-BIO Incentive Program to promote collaborative grant submissions between our two schools. Specifically, multi-PI (MPI) research grants with one MPI from UCI School of Medicine and the other MPI from UCI School of Biological Sciences at the NIH R01 level or similar (not R03 or R21) are eligible. Read more and complete the intake form here. |
Request for Applications: School of Medicine New Investigator Faculty Research Grant | The School of Medicine Research Committee is pleased to announce the School of Medicine New Investigator Faculty Research Grant competition. It is the policy of the Committee to support seed research projects from new investigators that have a high probability of obtaining extramural funding as a result of this award. The maximum award for a single grant will be $30,000 (direct only), and we anticipate funding 4 proposals. We strongly encourage proposals from senate faculty members that have not obtained their first independent NIH grant, who may have research that is interdisciplinary, and/or that may cross UCI departments and schools or across UC campuses. To qualify, the applicant must have the NIH “Early Stage Investigator” status and not yet competed successfully as a PI to receive substantial independent NIH funding. Please submit inquires to somrd@hs.uci.edu.
Deadline: Friday, March 17, 2023 |
Call for Nominations: 2023 UCI School of Medicine Annual Research Awards | The research awards have six categories to recognize research excellence and outstanding academic achievement in the UCI School of Medicine. Each awardee will receive a monetary award and an individual plaque of recognition, and their names will be added to an enduring plaque on display in Irvine Hall. Deadline: Award nominations are due by Friday, March 24, 2023, to Shauna Stark (starks@hs.uci.edu). See here for more details. |
Call for Nominations: 2023 UCI School of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Awards | There will be four awards to recognize excellence and innovation in mentoring at UCI School of Medicine — specifically in the domain of faculty mentoring other faculty (not students). Each awardee will receive $1,000 and a plaque. They will also be interviewed, along with their mentee, by an associate dean about their experience, insights and advice on faculty mentoring. These video interviews will be posted on the School of Medicine Academic Affairs website. Winners’ names will be added to enduring plaques displayed in Irvine Hall. Deadline: Department chair and/or mentee nominations for each award category are due by Friday, March 24, 2023, to Associate Dean Brian Cummings, cummings@hs.uci.edu and Rushi Patel, ruship2@hs.uci.edu. See here for more details. |
Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development | Applications are now open for the Yale Ciencia Academy (YCA) for Professional Development. YCA is an NIH-funded initiative to equip doctoral students interested in biological, biomedical, or behavioral research and who are in the final one to two years of their programs with the knowledge, skills, and networks they need to find postdoctoral positions that will further their academic interests and career goals. The program supports students who identify as being from underrepresented backgrounds in science, as defined by the NIH. Over the course of one year, fellows will participate in in-person and virtual activities to become part of a supportive peer community; develop important career planning, mentoring, and scientific and interpersonal communication skills and products; and connect with role models from diverse backgrounds.
Deadline: The application period closes March 1, 2023. The program runs from June 2023 to June 2024. See here for more information. |
Share Your Thoughts on How to Re-envision NIH Supported Postdoctoral Training | Post-docs – and those of you who interact and work with post-docs: NIH wants to hear from you! Read more here. Respond to the Request For Information by April 14, 2023. |
Advancing the Promise of Open Science: NIH Wants to Hear from You! | Open science is a priority at NIH and across the U.S. Federal Government. Today, NIH is pleased to announce that the “NIH Plan to Enhance Public Access to the Results of NIH-Supported Research” (NIH’s Public Access Plan) is now available for public review and comment. Read more here. Provide comments via their online portal by April 24, 2023. |
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) 2024 Investigator Program | The HHMI Investigator Program competition is open to basic researchers and physician scientists in basic biological and biomedical sciences in many scientific disciplines, at hundreds of institutions. Candidates apply directly to HHMI.
The February 1 and 9 information sessions are scheduled for one hour, starting at 12:00 pm and will include a brief presentation from members of the HHMI Science department with time for questions and answers. The information sessions will be recorded. The recordings will be available a few days after the events via the Investigator Program page (hhmi.org/investigators). Anyone interested in joining a live information session must register here: February 1, 12-1pm | February 9, 12-1pm. Questions may be submitted in advance of the sessions to: sciencecompwebinar@hhmi.org. For questions about the HHMI 2024 Investigator Program competition after the information sessions, please email sciencecomp@hhmi.org.
Deadline: Applications must be received by March 21, 2023. Information about this program and competition, including benefits of becoming an HHMI Investigator, may be found on the program page |
Have You Received a New Award? | Have you or someone on your research team received a new grant, i.e., research funding? The School of Medicine Office of Research would like to know! Please fill out this short form. |
For the full list of upcoming funding opportunity deadlines: | |
Funding Opportunities Recently Added to Calendar |
UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Pilot Projects | The UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) is pleased to release the Request for Proposals for our 2022 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Pilot Projects. This competition offers awards of $20,000 - $60,000 (total direct costs) across five distinct funding opportunities and along two tracks, with emphasis on projects capable of significant impact within 1-2 years. Letters of Intent (optional) Due: Thursday, January 26, 2023 (5:00 pm PST) Applications Due: Monday, March 6, 2023 (5:00 pm PST) Read more about the different award types and apply here. |
UC-HBCU Initiative Request for Proposals | The request for proposals and application materials are now available for the University of California-Historically Black Colleges and Universities (UC-HBCU) Initiative. UC places a priority on enrolling scholars from historically underrepresented populations. The UC-HBCU Initiative seeks to increase the number of scholars from HBCUs enrolling in and attending UC graduate programs. The initiative also supports faculty and departmental efforts and cross-institutional collaborations between UC campuses and HBCUs.
The program currently provides three funding opportunities: Summer Research Internship Support Grants, Summer Research and Graduate Admission Pathways Grants, and Small Research Grants.
For 2023-24, UCI can offer up to $50,000 to fund a UC-HBCU Internship Support Grant not funded by UCOP. Associate Vice Provost Sharon Block (sblock@uci.edu) can assist with grant draft review and arranging a letter of support from OIE. Applications Due: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 (12 p.m. PT) Read more here. |
Call for Collaborative Research Proposals in Basic and Applied Sciences between UNAM and the University of California | The main objective of this Call for Proposals is to enable the establishment of new collaborative research initiatives with the potential for creating permanent ties between The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and the University of California Alianza MX (UC Alianza MX) that will grow and continue with the support of other institutional and extramural funds. Proposals are expected to lead to the development of major, long-term collaborations among groups of researchers from both institutions and to significantly advance knowledge in the following disciplines in the context of climate change. Special consideration will be given to proposals that also enhance student training and research exchanges. Each proposal must be co-directed by eligible Principal Investigators (PIs) from UNAM and the UC; and must support multi-disciplinary collaboration among groups of researchers. Read more here. Applications Due: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 |
UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders and The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement: Call for Pilot Grant Proposals | The UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders (UCI MIND), home to UCI’s NIH-funded Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center (ADRC), and the Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement (WAM), a global organization founded by Maria Shriver committed to finding out why Alzheimer’s disease discriminates against women, have formed a collaboration called “The UCI MIND WAM Women’s Initiative.” The purpose of the initiative is to capitalize on the research expertise within UCI MIND and across the UCI campus and to leverage this expertise to accelerate science to understand the role of sex and gender in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders.
This partnered Initiative is now accepting applications for pilot grants of up to $100,000 (direct costs) for the funding period of 07/01/2023 - 06/31/2024. This funding competition is open to all UCI faculty members (senate and non-senate). Senior researchers and those with a track record of productivity in the field of Alzheimer’s disease research are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to applications for which sex and/or gender is incorporated as an independent variable and for which the probability of future federal research funding is high. Projects across all disciplines, including but not limited to basic science, neuroimaging, informatics, -omics, public health, health services or clinical research are welcomed. Applications Due: April 1, 2023 at 5 p.m. |
Robert A. Winn Diversity in Clinical Trials: Career Development Award (WINN CDA) | The Winn CDA is an innovative 2-year program, which includes a $240k award (i.e., $120k/yr), designed to support the career development of early-stage investigator physicians who are underrepresented in medicine, and physicians who have a demonstrated commitment to increasing diversity in clinical research, to become independent clinical trial investigators who are engaged in advancing health equity through their research and mentoring. The Winn CDA trains and develops a new generation of community-oriented clinical trialists (COCT) who have the knowledge, skills, and commitment to become effective partners with communities to design and conduct clinical trials that will yield new treatments that are effective in all populations. For more information about this program, please register for the next informational webinar. Read more about the program and application here.
Informational webinar: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 from 8 to 9 a.m. Deadline: Friday, May 12, 2023 |
Biosimilar User Fee Act (BsUFA) Research Grant (U01) Clinical Trials Optional (RFA-FD-23-026) | The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to address a diversity of topics related to improving the efficiency of biosimilar product development and advancing the development of interchangeable products. The scope of submitted projects should aim to focus on the following: 1) Increasing the accuracy and capability of analytical characterizations (including physical, chemical and biological function) and chemistry, manufacturing, and controls (CMC) 2) Developing alternatives to and/ or reducing the size of studies involving human subjects. View the FOA here. Deadline: April 26, 2023 |
Upcoming Seminars & Events |
Department of Biological Chemistry Seminar Series | The molecular basis of dsDNA sensing through the cGAS‐STING pathway by Pingwei Li, PhD, Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texas A&M University
Wednesday, March 1, 11 am. to 12 p.m. Plumwood House/Showa Denko Lecture Hall |
Physiology and Biophysics Research in Progress Seminar | Memory and Potentiation: Mechanisms of ZIP-mediated Memory Modulation by Michael Toledano,Grad Student, Kevin Beier, PhD lab, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Piezo1-HaloTag hiPSC Lines: Novel Resource for Visualizing Endogenous Piezo1 from Single Cells to Tissue Organoids by Gabriella Bertaccini, Grad Student, Medha M. Pathak, PhD lab, Department of Physiology and Biophysics
Wednesday, March 1, 4 to 5 p.m.ID: 960 7299 6876 |
Ophthalmology Research Seminar: Distinguished Speaker Series | Targeting bystander effects to slow down inherited photoreceptor degeneration by Enrica Strettoi, PhD, Director of Research, CNR Neuroscience Institute, Pisa, Italy
Friday, March 3, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. In person on the 3rd floor of the UCI Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, Cavanaugh Room, or virtual via Zoom
Meeting ID: 944 8366 9170, Passcode: 745306 |
Dean's Distinguished Lecture Series | What They Never Taught You in School About Healthcare Career Pathways by Richard J. Barohn, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Hugh E. and Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, University of Missouri School of Medicine March 6, 2023, 7 to 8 p.m. – Community Lecture Location: UCI Beall Applied Innovation
How to Run Multi-center Federally Funded Clinical Trials on $1,000 a Day by Richard J. Barohn, MD, Executive Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Hugh E. and Sarah D. Stephenson Dean, University of Missouri School of Medicine March 7, 2023, 12 to 1 p.m. – Scientific Lecture Location: Podlich Family Conference Room, UCI Medical Center, Orange. |
Genetics, Biomedical Computing, and Genomics Monthly Meeting | Translational AI and biomedical technologies for molecular assays and digital therapeutics by Pratik Shah, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, UCI
Hypothesis driven research from Dr. Shah’s lab on digital histopathology biopsies, virtual clinical trials for therapeutic dosing, and multimodal low pass sequencing assay development for laboratory and in vitro diagnostic tests will be covered. A primer from literature on new and emerging areas of genomics + deep learning for translational research at the Genomics, Research and Technology Hub will be shared. Current status and the future of real-world evaluations of software as a medical device in digital clinical trials, and opportunities for training students, residents and clinicians will be discussed.
Tuesday, March 7, 10 a.m. Telecast via ZoomMeeting ID: 963 3371 8524, Passcode: 982108 |
Best Practices for Academic and Industry Oral Presentations Workshop | This is part one of a multi-workshop series. Additional workshops following this plenary session will be hosted in the subsequent weeks and quarters addressing other oral presentations including:
- 10-15min talk at science society (included in plenary session)
- RIP (departmental research in progress)
- Thesis Seminar
- Postdoc job talk
- Faculty job seminar
- Industry job seminar
- Faculty Chalk talk
- Faculty Teaching demo
- Zoom talk
- Poster
Speaker: Melissa Lodoen, PhD, Professor & Vice Chair in Dept of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry, UCI Tuesday, March 7, 4 to 5 p.m. Natural Sciences Building I | Rm. 1114
2023 Community Lecture Series | Join us for our free seminars where you will learn about the causes, symptoms, and treatment of eye-related conditions. Our goal is to further educate the public on eye health and related topics to help improve our community’s overall health and well-being.
Seminar title: Age-Related Macular Degeneration: Macular degeneration and latest updates in stem cell therapies for retinal disease by Stephanie Lu, MD, professor, Department of Ophthalmology, UCI School of Medicine, and Mitul Mehta, MD, associate professor, Department of Ophthalmology, UCI School of Medicine.
Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m.
After you register, you will receive an email containing the event link. For more information, contact ophthalmology@hs.uci.edu or 949-824-7243. |
Life Beyond PhD Series | Speaker: Elizabeth (Liz) McMath PhD, Senior Director, New Program Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Chicago Biomedical Consortium
How to transition into industry and consulting roles, unique fellowship opportunity with Chicago Biomedical Consortium and short activity to experience what it's like to think about commercialization.
Thursday, March 9, Noon to 1:30 p.m. Virtual event
2023 CHOC UCI Rare Disease Symposium and Family Conference | The second annual 2023 Children’s Hospital Orange County (CHOC) and UCI Rare Disease Symposium & Family Conference will bring together over 100 advocates, researchers, clinicians, students and families to share research, knowledge and experience on Rare Diseases.
The 2023 virtual event is hosted in partnership between CHOC and UCI and together, we will foster new perspectives, ideas and research collaborations to accelerate efforts for those living with Rare Diseases. This year’s symposium will feature Rare Diseases in Neurology and Hematology, focusing on the latest advances for diagnosis and treatment on those areas, as well as presentations from families and National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD) representatives.
Friday, March 10, 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Department of Physiology and Biophysics PhD Dissertation Defense | Non-image forming vision: an integration of multiple photoreceptor systems on the circadian/arousal neural circuit by David Au, Grad Student, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, UCI
Friday, March 10, 1 p.m. Hybrid event: Thorpe Conference Center | Gross Hall Rm. 4001 or via Zoom
MSTP Distinguished Lecture Series | Defining the role of corticostriatal circuits in drug addiction: Insights from preclinical models by Susan Ferguson, PhD, Director, UW Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute; Professor, UW Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, University of Washington
Monday, March 13, 4 to 5 p.m. Hybrid event: Nelson Auditorium, 1003 Health Sciences Rd, or via Zoom
UCI Conte Center: 10th Annual Symposium | Please Join us for the 10th Annual Conte Center Symposium Title: The Dynamic Brain in Health and Disease
Keynote speakers: Dr. Dani Bassett, J. Peter Skirkanich Professor of Bioengineering and Electrical & Systems Engineering, University of Pennsylvania Dr. Jill Becker, Patricia Y. Gurin Collegiate Professor of Psychology Research Professor, Michigan Neuroscience Institute, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.
In addition, we will be holding a poster session. Please see call for abstracts for additional information. Hybrid event: In-person location at: Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences & Engineering. Also telecast via zoom, a link will be sent a few days prior to the event for those who register. See event website for more information. Tuesday, March 14, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Call for Abstracts Deadline: February 28, 2023
Talking to Decision Makers: What to Say and How to Say it Seminar | Managers and PIs are busy. They want an issue succinctly explained and exactly what they need to do. During the class, the instructor will demonstrate how to prepare and describe an issue in 30 seconds using the "What," "So what," "Now what" pattern. She will also explain how to respond to a PI's or manager's probing questions. After the formal presentation, participants will be divided into small groups, provided case studies, and be given the opportunity to apply the concepts.
After completing the class, the participants will be able to: • Identify traits that demonstrate credibility • Recognize the importance of body language • Use a template to create and organize a short talk • Deliver the short talk and apply techniques to keep the listener engaged • Employ effective strategies when responding to difficult questions
Speaker; Nancy Singer, JD, President, Compliance-Alliance LLC and former FDA prosecutor Wednesday, March 22, Noon to 1:30 p.m. Natural Sciences Building II | Rm. 4201
Inclusive Participation in Clinical Research Workshop | The purpose of this workshop, hosted by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHHD) is to improve implementation of evidence-based best practices to increase inclusive participation in clinical research, with discussion on: How to implement these practices; Challenges to overcome; and Lessons learned.
Thursday-Friday, March 30-31, 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
New Resources Available on Submitting Good Cause Extension Requests for Results Reporting to ClinicalTrials.gov | Do you have questions about when it's allowable to request an extension of the deadline for submitting clinical trial results information to ClinicalTrials.gov, how to request an extension, what to include, and how the requests are evaluated? A recently published resource explains all this and more. Read more here. |
Recommendations for Proactively Addressing Authorship Disputes | Sometimes disagreements about authorship cannot be avoided, and many have likely seen it up close. They can be handled thoughtfully and appropriately. But when they are not, they may lead to serious consequences for the people and research involved. Here, NIH will look at this issue more closely and reflect on how to proactively address them. Read more here. |
Are you considering applying for a Limited Funding Opportunities? | In most cases, interested applicants submit a pre-proposal to the Office of Research where a committee reviews all submissions and makes a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Research about which proposal should go forward from UCI. Limited opportunities are advertised on fundopp.uci.edu with a link to apply. However, if you do not see a limited opportunity listed, please contact the Research Development Unit (somrd@hs.uci.edu). We can relay your application plans to the UCI Office of Research so they are aware of the number of interested PIs/units on campus and, if necessary, coordinate PIs or create a review process. |
NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy Resources | NIH has released a new Data Management and Sharing Policy, effective Jan. 25, 2023, which requires the submission of a Data Management and Sharing Plan as part of all proposals for research that will generate scientific data. The NIH expects that the data generated will be shared broadly at the conclusion of the research. Researchers should plan now for the rollout of these requirements and develop Data Management and Sharing Plans that meet NIH expectations.
The following resources are available now for developing your plan: - The UCI School of Medicine Office of Research held an informational webinar on Tuesday, November 8th. View the recording and slides.
- The UCI Office of Research recently held an informational webinar on Tuesday, January 10, 2023. View the recording here. The OR also released human subjects research consent language for the DMS policy.
- The NIH held a two-part webinar series. View the recordings and slide decks here
- Learn more about this new NIH policy here and in their recent posts here, here, and here. NIH also recently released sample DMS plans and information on how to budget for this new requirement.
- NIH released a blog post about how to comply with the Policy through eRA System Validation.
- NIH released a blog post about how to budget for personnel effort whose duties are part of the DMS plan.
- UCI Libraries has a wealth of resources on their page including the DMPTool and is available for 1:1 consultations.
Updated Grants Preparation Material Request Form | This Grants Preparation Material Request Form (previously the Boilerplate Request Form) has been updated to include numerous NIH templates and checklists (e.g., diversity supplements, RCR, K applications, and the PEDP). Save yourself time by taking advantage of these documents. Please view the form here, spread the word amongst your colleagues about this resource, and contact the Research Development Unit (somrd@hs.uci.edu) if you have any questions or suggestions. |
What is Research Development? | Research Development encompasses strategic, proactive, and capacity-building activities designed to support individual faculty and teams of faculty in obtaining extramural research funding and also increase institutional competitiveness. The UCI School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) meets individual faculty to provide information regarding research resources and assistance with grant proposals. Click here to make an appointment. |
Mask Mandate Updated: Masking Recommended But No Longer Required in Indoor, Non-Healthcare Settings | Per the August 19 message from David Souleles, director of the Campus Public Health Response Team, the executive directive on mandatory face coverings has been rescinded effective August 20. Face coverings are recommended indoors but are not required. Individuals should feel free to continue to wear face coverings, and this protection may be required in some research settings.
The update is consistent with the California Department of Public Health’s recommendations on masking and face coverings.
Please note that masking is still required in all healthcare settings. Face coverings may also be required consistent with public health guidance for a limited duration for those who were COVID-19 positive and returning from isolation, and for those recently exposed to someone with COVID-19. Face coverings are available on campus for all employees and students.
For the latest COVID-19 information, please visit the UCI Forward Website. |
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