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Updated guidance on return-to-work process for co-workers with COVID-19
Dear colleagues,

Please review the updated guidance to the return-to-work process for co-workers with COVID-19.

If you have a positive COVID-19 test:
  • You must report online using the Occupational Health COVID-19 Intake Form ›
  • Occupational Health will send an email advising employee/manager on return-to-work protocols.
  • Follow usual sick leave procedures. For co-workers who are required to report sick leave to Sedgwick, please follow the usual process to do so.
  • If you are still experiencing residual symptoms but have returned to work, continue to wear an N95 mask until symptoms have fully resolved.
  • You will be expected to perform a self-assessment to return to work. You may return to work if you meet the following criteria:
    • At least 10 days since start of COVID symptoms (or date of positive test for those who are asymptomatic).
    • Fever free for at least 24 hours without use of antipyretics (fever is defined as equal or greater to 100 degrees F).
    • Resolved or improving symptoms, including lack of diarrhea or vomiting for 24 hours.
    • No need to remove mask to blow your nose or cough up mucus more than twice an hour.
    • If 10 days have passed, and you do not feel well enough to return to work, please contact your primary care provider and obtain a clearance note to return to work.
    • Early return to work on days 6-9 (after start of symptoms or date of positive test if asymptomatic) is possible if you perform a COVID-19 antigen test and it is negative AND you meet the other symptom-related criteria listed above
    • If you return to work on days 6-9, you must wear a N95 mask at work through day 10 and until symptoms have completely resolved
    • If you perform a COVID-19 antigen test on days 6-9 and it is positive, you must remain off work. You may repeat a COVID-19 antigen test again in 24 hours. 
This message does not apply to co-workers at UCI Health Community Network locations. Co-workers at these locations should follow current protocols.

Thank you,

UCI Health Occupational Health

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