Final AHP Rule Implementation

For 30 years, the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) has successfully helped Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) members and their partners create affordable housing opportunities in the communities they serve. On November 28, 2018, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) published its amended regulation (Final AHP Rule), giving the FHLBanks greater flexibility to identify and respond to the unique needs of their Districts.  

You can read the Final AHP Rule,  effective December 28, 2018, in its entirety and/or review the FHFA webinar briefing.

Summary of the Final AHP Rule

All provisions of the Final AHP Rule are effective January 1, 2021, except for the owner-occupied retention and repayment requirements below which were effective January 1, 2020. Check out our Final AHP Rule presentation for a summary of key provisions. Note that this reflects only select changes to the AHP regulations and is not a complete analysis of the Final AHP Rule.



Final AHP Rule

Retention and Repayment Changes for Owner-Occupied Units (AHP + DPP Set-aside Program)
Increased flexibility with allocations & Targeted Funds
Modernized scoring framework
Targeted Community Lending Plan (TCLP) requirements
Streamlined monitoring for certain rental projects

Questions? Contact Community Investment at 312-565-5824 or