June 13, 2023
Federal Proposal Reviews – A Preview of What’s to Come
Starting this summer, Kuali Research Proposal Development (KR PD) will be updated with six questions regarding international engagements that all Senior/Key Personnel must answer before federal funding proposals (including subaward proposals where a federal agency is the prime sponsor) are submitted to Sponsored Projects Administration (SPA) for institutional review, approval and submission.  

The Office of Research is adding these questions because federal agencies expect and require that all Senior/Key Personnel disclose complete and accurate information about their international engagements in research funding proposals. International engagements include, but are not limited to, employment, appointments, consulting activities, participation in foreign talent recruitment programs and research support/funding from foreign sponsors not received through UCI.  

If you have questions or concerns, please direct them to rsic@uci.edu.

Read the full announcement.
School of Medicine Office of Research Informational Webinar: Creating a Compelling and Compliant NIH Biosketch
The Research Development Unit will lead a presentation on how to create and update your NIH biosketch, as well as how to edit your biosketch to be responsive to the grant application. This webinar is open to graduate students, post-docs and faculty members.

Tuesday, June 27, noon to 1 p.m.
Announcing the Clinical Trial Investigator Certificate Program
The UCI Alpha Clinic, the Stem Cell Research Center and the School of Medicine Dean’s Office of Research (SOM OR) are pleased to announce the UCI Alpha Clinic Clinical Trial Investigator Certificate Program (Stem Cell Clinical Professional Training Program – SCCPTP), a new clinical trial investigator certificate program that will open for enrollment in September 2023.

This training program aims to address the existing gaps in the delivery of transformative cell and gene therapies by educating the next generation of physicians, advanced practice providers and pharmacists in clinical trial scientific methodology with a focus on novel treatment modalities.

The program will be delivered in a hybrid format with afternoon Zoom sessions to accommodate working professionals. There will also be 10 in-person clinical research observational sessions (inpatient and outpatient clinical trial units) that will take place during work hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.).

  • Completed their professional degrees (i.e., MD, NP, PA and PharmD).
  • Limited previous exposure to clinical research.
  • Demonstrated interest in being involved in clinical trials, with a special focus on cell and gene therapies.
  • Ability to attend the in-person clinical observation sessions.
Application Process:
  • Letter of interest (one page): Briefly describe your interest in participating and the area of clinical practice and populations you can enroll in cell and gene therapy trials.
  • Letter of support from the Department Chair or Division Chief.
  • CV or NIH biosketch.
Applications will be reviewed by a clinical trialist committee, and the program will be launched in fall 2023. Please apply by July 3, 2023. Send all materials and direct any questions to Yuna Muyshondt, assistant director at UCI Alpha Clinic (chuny@hs.uci.edu).

Deadline: Monday, July 3, 2023
Visit the updated Research Support & Development page!
Make sure to bookmark the new UCI School of Medicine Research Support & Development page for information on the range of support the Office of Research provides. There are also resources on finding funding opportunities, incentive programs, programs offered by the School of Medicine’s Office of Research, and more. For any questions, please contact the Research Development Unit at somrd@hs.uci.edu.
Sign up for OIT’s CrashPlan to Protect Your Research Data!
Research data is important to you and the university, and the impact of corrupted or lost data can range from a slight inconvenience to ruining years of research effort. CrashPlan is a secure, data backup service for UCI researchers. Install CrashPlan on your laptop/desktop to continuously protect your most important data when and where it is being created without impacting your workflow. It can help protect you from data loss like inadvertent deletion or overwriting of a file. CrashPlan can also help you recover “good versions” of your data if you are the victim of malware or ransomware. To get started and activate your CrashPlan account, email Health Sciences Help Desk.
Second Call for New Proposals: Basic and Translational Research Programs Requiring Wet Lab Space
There is a second call for new proposals for basic and translational research programs requiring wet lab space. This is a follow-up call to the original RFP in 2021. This call is for new proposals.

Please submit your proposals for research programs to Shauna Stark, starks@hs.uci.edu by Sept. 1, 2023. The School of Medicine’s Office of the Dean will reach out to you with recommendations for revision so they can be forwarded to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs by Oct. 15, 2023.

Deadline: Friday, Sept. 1, 2023
Have You Received a New Award?
Have you or someone on your research team received a new grant, i.e., research funding? The School of Medicine Office of Research would like to know! Please fill out this short New Funding/Grant Survey form.
Funding Opportunities Recently Added to Calendar
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI): Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards in Neurodegeneration and Neuroscience
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) invites letters of intent for the Collaborative Pairs Pilot Project Awards to support pairs of investigators and their teams to explore innovative, interdisciplinary approaches to address critical challenges in the neurodegenerative disease field and in areas of fundamental neuroscience such as the cellular, molecular and circuit mechanisms of cognition & memory and the neuroscience of sleep.

Awards are $200,000 in total costs per collaborating pair for a period of 18 months, after which successful projects will be eligible to apply for additional four-year acceleration grants that build on pilot phase studies. Collaborative Pairs teams will benefit from the support, mentoring and collaborative interactions of the CZI Neurodegeneration Challenge Network, as well as interactions with the broader CZ Science programs and grantee network.

Eligibility: Pairs from different institutions strongly encouraged; must not have received any funding previously to work together. At least one member of the pair must be early career (hired after June 22, 2017) or mid career (hired between June 22, 2013 and June 22, 2017).

Letter of Intents Deadline: Thursday, June 22, 2023, by 5 p.m. PT
ARPA-H launches its first research program: Novel Innovations for Tissue Regeneration in Osteoarthritis (NITRO)
NITRO aims to address current issues surrounding osteoarthritis treatment by developing new ways of helping the human body repair its own joints. In particular, the program focuses on three technical areas: injectable bone regeneratives, injectable cartilage regeneratives, and replacement joints built from human cells.

To meet these goals, ARPA-H invites those interested in NITRO to read the full BAA and email ARPA-H about joining the program. Successful applicants will work with a diverse team of performers to address the biggest challenges facing osteoarthritis patients today. In doing so, NITRO performers may help reduce health costs, increase access, and drastically improve the lives of millions of people with or at risk for osteoarthritis. Based on evaluation of the abstract, ARPA-H may request a full proposal from BAA respondents.

Abstract Deadline: Friday, June 23, 2023, by 2 p.m.
NSF BioFoundries to Enable Access to Infrastructure and Resources for Advancing Modern Biology and Biotechnology
BioFoundries is an infrastructure program from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that is designed to accelerate advances in the biological sciences, chemical biology, biotechnology and bioengineering, via access to modern infrastructure, technology and capacity. Each BioFoundry should enclose a scientific ecosystem that includes in-house research scientists across all relevant disciplines supported by NSF, technical staff including cyberinfrastructure experts, external users and other contributors who collectively form a community of practitioners who share tools, reagents, workflows, software, samples and data.

Knowledge sharing should be a central tenet, designed to strengthen collaborations among researchers and enable them to work in new ways and to foster new modalities of research and education/training, for the purpose of accelerating discovery and advancing development. BioFoundries should also promote new avenues for translating such knowledge and technology broadly in ways that benefit society.

Awards totaling $15 million to $24 million over a six-year period are anticipated. UCI may submit only one proposal in response to this call. Therefore, interested applicants are asked to submit a preliminary application via the UCI Review system.

Deadline: Monday, June 26, 2023
Call for Proposals: 2024 NIH Director's Early Independence Award
The NIH Director's Early Independence Award supports exceptional junior investigators who wish to pursue independent research soon after completion of their terminal doctoral degree or post-graduate clinical training, thereby forgoing the traditional post-doctoral training period and accelerating their entry into an independent research career.

For the program to support the best possible researchers and research, applications are sought which reflect the full diversity of the research workforce. Individuals from diverse backgrounds, including those from underrepresented groups and from the full spectrum of eligible institutions in all geographic locations, are strongly encouraged to apply to this Funding Opportunity Announcement.

In addition, applications in all topics relevant to the broad mission of NIH are welcome, including, but not limited to, topics in the behavioral, social, biomedical, applied, and formal sciences and topics that may involve basic, translational, or clinical research. The NIH Director's Early Independence Award is a component of the High-Risk, High-Reward Research program of the NIH Common Fund.

UCI may submit no more than two applications to this competition. Therefore, interested applicants are asked to submit a preliminary application to the Office of Research via the UCI Review application system.

Abstract Deadline: Thursday, June 29, 2023
For More Funding Opportunities
For more funding opportunities and resources for your funding search, visit the Funding Opportunities page on the new and updated website for the UCI School of Medicine.

For a curated, searchable and filterable list of funding opportunities by NIH in their weekly NIH guide listserv, check out the School of Medicine Funding Search Tool.
Upcoming Seminars & Events
Statistics Workshops, presented by Insight Research Services Associated
Insight Research Services Associated (an Australia-based company) is proud to be presenting workshops online in May through July 2023 at a time suitable for participants in North America.
  • June 12-15: Introduction to Longitudinal Data Analysis
  • July 17-20: Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling
Please note that these workshops will be held between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. each day. There is a registration fee. These workshops are aimed at non-statisticians as well as statisticians new to these fields. For questions please contact Mark at m.griffin@insightrsa.com. Keep up to date with the training programs we deliver by joining our email list. Register and learn more about our workshops.
Research!America's Science and Technology Career Summit
This summit for early career researchers will feature a series of events designed to engage and equip them with tools for success. The sessions will provide early career researchers with the opportunity to explore an array of career paths, network with fellow researchers, participate in professional development workshops, and engage in meaningful discussions around issues critical to the success of the R&D ecosystem. Upcoming sessions:
  • Session 3: Communicating Science to Inspire and Foster Public Engagement
    Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.
  • Session 4: Building a Strong Resume: A Hiring Manager’s Perspective
    Date: Wednesday, June 21, 2023, 9:30 to 11 a.m.
  • Session 5: Science and Startups: Taking your Research to the Next Level
    Date: Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.
Department of Biological Chemistry Seminar Series
Impact of CULLIN RING Ligases on hematologic cancers, by Luca Busino, PhD, assistant professor of cancer biology, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania.

Wednesday, June 14, 11 a.m. to noon
Location: Plumwood House (Showa Denko Lecture Hall) at UCI

Department of Physiology & Biophysics Seminar Series
Mechanotensions and Complex Vascular Remodeling, by Bhama Ramkhelawon, PhD, assistant professor, Departments of Cell Biology and Surgery, New York University.

Wednesday, June 14, 11 a.m. to noon PT
Zoom ID: 968 0810 2642
Passcode: 340499

Join Zoom

Info Session: Industry Insights for STEM Graduate Students
This online info session is dedicated to providing context and information about the "Industry Insights for STEM Graduate Students" course, a multi-week course with Chris Halliwell, a technology marketing expert. This course is open for registration August to September 2023.

Key takeaways from this info session:
  • What is the Industry Insights course?
  • What will the course teach me?
  • How will this course improve my employability?
  • How to register.
  • Ask questions and gain priority registration.
High-level overview about the course:
To provide instruction and practice to introduce PhD students and postdocs to strategy, structure and mission of companies in various technology industry sectors. The instruction is practical, using several real-world examples. This course makes a direct connection to the important skills scientists offer to technology businesses, most importantly, being able to sort through all available evidence to formulate and test hypotheses that make up a business strategy, and the ability to clearly synthesize and apply the learning. The course is meant to prepare UCI graduate scientists to identify, articulate and apply their potential contributions if they choose to pursue a career outside academia.

Thursday, June 15, noon to 1 p.m.
From Invention to Patenting — Women Experts Explain
The Committee of Women in Vision Research presents a panel discussion on invention to patenting by women experts. Panel speakers will include:
  • Karen Canady, patent attorney and partner at Canady + Lortz
  • Casie Kelly, PhD, UCI assistant director of licensing.
Tuesday, June 20, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Location: GHEI building, 3rd Floor, Cavanaugh Conference Room

Lunch will be served. Please register by Thursday, June 15.
UCLA CTSI K/CDA Grant Writing Virtual Workshop
The UCLA Clinical and Translational Science Institute (CTSI) will be holding a workshop for junior investigators who have applied, are applying, or thinking about applying for a NIH K/Career Development Award. Topics to be covered: Navigating the NIH K Award Process; Choosing Your Mentorship Team; Writing the NIH K Award; How Reviewers Evaluate K Awards; Common Critiques from NIH K Study Sections; Considerations in Applying for a K99 Award: the NIH "Pathway to Independence." View the detailed agenda View the detailed agenda here. Register by June 21 at 5 p.m.

Thursday, June 22, 8 a.m. to noon
NCI Drug Development Workshop II: Specialized Topics in Preclinical Development of Small Molecule Cancer Drugs
This workshop will encompass a series of six webinar-based lectures. They will address specialized topics that are important for the preclinical development of small molecule cancer drugs. The intention is to help investigators mitigate the translational risk of selected candidates during their later stages of product development and increase the chances of entering clinical evaluation. The intended audience is translational scientists who are interested in preclinical development of cancer drugs. Junior faculty, staff and trainees are encouraged to attend this workshop. Sessions start at 10 a.m. PT, and includes 60–90 minutes of lectures and 15 minutes of facilitated discussion. View the agenda for more information about this workshop.

June 22 to July 28, 2023, on selected Thursdays and Fridays, at 10 a.m. PT
2023 Science Policy and Advocacy Certificate Program
The 2023 Science Policy and Advocacy Certificate Program is a virtual program from UCI’s GPS-STEM in collaboration with several partners including the Journal of Science Policy & Governance (JSPG) as a founding partner. The program is designed to teach STEM PhDs and postdoctoral trainees the essential skills required for a career in science policy. The program covers a range of topics including policy development, communication, resources and funding opportunities, networking and career pathways.

Register by June 16 to be considered for the program. We will review the applications and notify you of your status (acceptance or rejection) by June 23. Registration is not limited to UCI trainees. For questions, please contact Joanne Ly, joannl6@hs.uci.edu.

July 11 to Sept. 19, every Tuesday, 3 to 4:30 p.m. PT
CHOC Research Education: NIH Grant Writing: Funding Success Part 2
Speakers: Sheila Cherry, PhD, and Jessica Lerch, PhD
  • How to tailor your proposals to grant reviewers
  • How to position your research and yourself to make reviewers your research advocates
Wednesday, July 19, noon to 1:15 p.m.
Grand Rounds and CME Symposia
For Continuing Medical Education (CME) opportunities, view the weekly Grand Rounds & CME Symposia email.
Research Resources
More Early Stage Investigators Supported in FY 2022
Over the past two years, NIH supported 1,412 early stage investigators (ESIs) in fiscal year (FY) 2020 and 1,513 in FY 2021, which were both all-time highs. These ESIs were first-time Principal Investigators (PIs) designated on type 1 (new) R01-equivalent awards. NIH is pleased to announce that even more ESIs were supported in FY 2022 as part of their continued Next Generation Researchers Initiative (NGRI) efforts.
Submitting for a UCOP funding opportunity? Remember this!
UCOP is not an internal sponsor because the funding originates from off-campus, so all UCOP projects need to be routed via the standard KR process.  For questions, please direct to your Contract & Grants Analyst.
Are you considering applying for Limited Funding Opportunities?
In most cases, interested applicants submit a pre-proposal to the Office of Research where a committee reviews all submissions and makes a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Research about which proposal should go forward from UCI. Limited opportunities are advertised on fundopp.uci.edu with a link to apply. However, if you do not see a limited opportunity listed, please contact the Research Development Unit. We can relay your application plans to the UCI Office of Research so they are aware of the number of interested PIs/units on campus and, if necessary, coordinate PIs or create a review process.
Updated Grants Preparation Material Request Form
The Grants Preparation Material Request Form (previously the Boilerplate Request Form) has been updated to include numerous NIH templates and checklists (e.g., diversity supplements, RCR, K applications, and the PEDP). Save yourself time by taking advantage of these documents. Spread the word among your colleagues about this resource and contact the Research Development Unit if you have any questions or suggestions.
What is Research Development?
Research Development encompasses strategic, proactive, and capacity-building activities designed to support individual faculty and teams of faculty in obtaining extramural research funding and also increase institutional competitiveness. The UCI School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) meets individual faculty to provide information regarding research resources and assistance with grant proposals.

Do you want funding opportunities matching your research program automatically emailed to you? The RDU can also help you set up a Pivot account in minutes via Zoom and answer any questions you may have. Read more about Pivot and other Funding Search Tools. Reserve a slot here!
Intramural & Foundation Funding Opportunities Lists
The Research Development Unit (RDU) has created lists of intramural funding opportunities and foundation funding opportunities. If you have additional opportunities that should be included, please do not hesitate to email at somrd@hs.uci.edu.
COVID-19 Information
COVID-19 Reminders
With California’s COVID-19 state of emergency having ended on February 28, 2023, employees and students are reminded to continue to report their COVID-19 cases to Contact Tracing and Vaccine Navigation Services, which continues to investigate and contact trace cases. Free face coverings and antigen tests continue to be available on campus.

Please note that the end of the emergency does not mean the end of COVID-19, so individuals should continue to gauge their risk and take steps to protect themselves and their communities by staying up to date with vaccinations and boosters, staying home if sick, testing, washing hands and wearing masks when appropriate.

For the latest information on campus status and operational updates, please visit UCI Forward.
For UCI Health updates, please visit UCI Health's COVID-19 page on SharePoint.
Contribute to Research Insider!
Submit your funding opportunities and events to next week's email here: Seminar/Event or Funding Opportunity.
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