Essential Info
- Print quote feature is now available in the Agent Portal
- Use the “Print Quote Summary” button to print a quote
Dear agent,
Starting today, the print quote feature is available in the Agent Portal.
Agents no longer have to use their computer’s “Print Screen” button/shortcut while on the Quote Summary page to print a quote. Agents can now use the “Print Quote Summary” button to do this.
This job aid shows you how and includes an example of the Print Quote Summary page.
Where is this button located?
The “Print Quote Summary” button is located on the Quote, Additional Information, and Coverage Summary/Mailing Information screens for Submissions, Renewals, and Policy Changes.

Things to note when using this feature:
- The transaction must be quoted.
- Each version that is generated will be stored in the documents for the transaction.
About the print quote feature
Here is some important information about what the print quote feature is and is not:
- It is a preliminary indication of premiums, limits, and coverages being considered by the applicant. It is not an offer of coverage.
- Premiums, limits, and coverages quoted in this document are not binding on TWIA, are not guaranteed by TWIA, and may differ from the insurance policy that may be issued by TWIA.
- TWIA assumes no responsibility and has no liability for failure of the applicant or their agent to effect coverage.
- All quotes may be subject to underwriting review.
Have questions?
Our Policy Services team is available at or (800) 788-8247. Our normal business hours are Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. and our holiday schedule is here.
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association