Weekly COVID-19 Safety Update – Sept. 15, 2020
Welcome to the Research Insider Weekly COVID-19 Safety Update. This update will offer easy access to campus resources for the SOM. The buttons below are clickable and link to important procedural information; they will remain on this message each week for your reference. In addition, this message will feature updated safety news for the week. These weekly safety updates will be archived on the Important Phase 2 Research Ramp-Up Information webpage.
1. If you or a visitor to your unit on the SOM campus is confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19:
1. Follow the Steps on this Website to Report the Case


2. Report the Case to Vice Dean for Basic Science Research, Geoff Abbott

2. For Information on COVID-19 Safety Policies and How to Report a Safety Concern:
HR Reporting Concerns

3. For General Information on Safety Issues or Procedures:
Visit the COVID-19 Safety Hub


New This Week: Process for Adding UCI Undergraduate Students to your Lab

A limited number of UCI undergraduate students, primarily those in the BioSci 199 program, may wish to return to School of Medicine labs this fall. Please remember that we are still under Phase 2 ramp-up restrictions, so faculty should only accept undergraduate students this fall if:
  1. there is a compelling reason to do so
  1. they can safely incorporate the student(s) into their lab space while adhering to mandatory physical distancing and 30% occupancy policies  
  1. the students will not have access to patient care areas or be involved in research that involves direct contact with human subjects
  1. the students comply with COVID-19 testing policies: https://uci.edu/coronavirus/students/testing.php
Faculty wishing to accept into their lab a new or returning UCI undergraduate student(s) who meets all four criteria above should complete the following steps:
  1. Add the person to their ramp-up plan. For general information on SOM’s Research Ramp-Up, please click here
    1. The PI would need to have their plan re-approved if and when the addition of a person or people renders their current plan non-compliant. This applies to the addition of anyone, not just new students. It also would apply if the location of work changed, even when there were no personnel changes. If the PI is unsure, they should submit their plan for re-approval.
  2. Submit their name and UCINetID to rcorell@hs.uci.edu.
We require that all returning and new personnel comply with the Important Requirements and Guidelines for Employees Returning to Campus, including the Returning to Campus UCLC online training, physical distancing, and the wearing of a face covering. We also advise that you ask new students and those returning from out of town to self-quarantine for 14 days prior to embarking upon on-site research activities.

Complete the SOM Qualtrics Research Activities Ramp-Up Form to provide legal assurance that persons re-entering the laboratory understand and are following guidelines according to a compliant laboratory and shared space occupancy plan.
Helpful Links: --
Geoff Abbott
Vice Dean, Basic Research | Senior Associate Dean, Academic Personnel
UCI School of Medicine