Policyholder reminder about the Assumption Program goes out March 15

Dear Agents with Assumption Depopulation Offers Selected for Transfer, 

In the next two weeks, a reminder is going out to policyholders for whom you approved depopulation offers to let them know they have until May 31, 2020 to opt out of the Assumption Reinsurance Depopulation Program and remain with TWIA. If a policyholder wants their policy to transfer to the new carrier, they do not need to take any action. A final reminder will be sent to policyholders in May before their policy automatically transfers on June 1, 2020.

You are being copied on all TWIA communications to policyholders via PolicyCenter. The March reminder, which is available as a sample here, will also be available in the system soon. We will process and upload those documents over the next several weeks. Here is your process for accessing communications through PolicyCenter:

  1. From the Search tab in PolicyCenter, search for the policy that has been selected for depopulation and open it
  2. Click “Documents” on the left sidebar 
  3. Open the document(s) labeled “DepopReminder03152020 ############## InsuredName”

Here are other resources to help you through this phase of the program:

Please note that the Texas Legislature passed a law last year to change the depopulation programs and improve the agent and policyholder experience by eliminating any decisions during storm season. However, the changes will not take place until after this program year – Round 4 (2019-2020).
If you have any questions, Agent Services is available to help at agentservices@twia.org or (800) 208-5948.  

Thank you,
Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

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