Dear Agent,

TWIA’s Actuarial & Underwriting Committee met yesterday, October 17, to consider the development of recommendations to the Association’s Board of Directors concerning possible rate filings as permitted by law, rate adequacy issues, and strategies.

The Committee received both written and in-person testimony from the public on the Association’s rate adequacy analysis and reviewed and received a presentation from TWIA staff on the content of the rate adequacy analysis.

The Committee voted to direct TWIA staff to review issues raised by the Committee during the meeting and provide written comments to the Committee in order to allow it to meet again in time to formulate a recommendation to the TWIA Board to be considered at its December 10 quarterly meeting in Corpus Christi.

An archived recording of the meeting, its agenda, and meeting materials are available on the TWIA website at

If you have any questions, please contact our Communications & Legislative Affairs department at

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