Dear Agent,

We are continuously improving our systems and forms so they may serve you and our policyholders better. A number of updates were recently implemented in Policy Center to increase the accuracy of our policies and to accommodate requests from the agent community:

Address Standardization. All addresses, except for Risk Location Addresses, must now be updated to follow USPS standards using the Validate Address button in Policy Center. This will decrease the volume of mail returned to TWIA. To learn more about this process, please review the Address Standardization job aid, available in the TWIA Agent Training Center.
Policy Expiration Notices. As requested by the agent community, these notices will now be sent to the policyholder 25 days before the policy expiration date, rather than the original 45 days. Agents will continue to receive a renewal notice 60 days before the policy expiration date.
Declarations Page. Coverage B on the Declarations Page will now be labeled “Personal Property” to more accurately describe this section of the document. 

​​​​​​EFT Payments to TWIA Report. The Primary Named Insureds are now included in this report.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email or give us a call at 800-788-8247.


Texas Windstorm Insurance Association

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