Dear Agent,

Our current claim count, as we approach the six-month mark after Harvey, is 74,679. Of those claims, we have closed 93.8% (70,071) and paid more than $988 million to our policyholders.

Next week we will close the last Claims Support Center (CSC), in Rockport, at the end of business Friday, February 23. We are incredibly grateful to the GSM Insurors team who allowed us to set up our CSC in their parking lot and serve our policyholders in their time of need.

On Tuesday, February 27, we will begin holding our monthly Coastal Claims Assistance Workshops. More details will follow about that next week via a bulletin and our Facebook page

Lastly, we have created an Increased Cost of Construction FAQ in the hopes it helps agents and policyholders better understand our coverages. It is also posted on our website; feel free to share it and any other part of this bulletin with your clients.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our Agent Services group at or 800-788-8247.

Thank you and happy weekend, 


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