Dear Agent,

Hurricane season began yesterday.

No matter what is forecast each year, as you know, June is the prime time to talk with your clients about their windstorm and flood insurance needs.

Here are some steps your clients can take today to be prepared. We hope you will share them.

Hurricane Preparedness Tips for Coastal Residents
  • Have Enough Insurance – Have both flood and windstorm insurance. If you don’t have them already, now is the time to add these coverages. Flood insurance requires a 30-day waiting period; and most windstorm insurance providers, including TWIA, are unable to accept applications for new or increased coverage when a hurricane enters the Gulf (learn more).
  • Avoid Surprises – Read your policy before a storm hits. Understanding how you’re covered can help you navigate the claims process more easily. Verify your contact information, know your deductible, understand your endorsements, and ensure you have enough insurance to cover the cost to rebuild your home, if needed.
    • Want help reviewing or updating your policy? Schedule an insurance checkup with your agent!
  • Secure Your Property – Don’t delay general maintenance to your roof or property. Install storm shutters and roof straps, trim trees and clear gutters, and reinforce garage doors.
Visit TWIA’s Hurricane Preparedness page for more recommendations.

TWIA Is Ready to Respond
We have secured access to $4.03 billion in funding and updated our Catastrophe Incident Response (CAT) Plan so we can quickly and effectively respond to policyholders’ needs should a hurricane strike the Texas coast.
  • TWIA’s CAT Plan – At the heart of our storm preparedness program is our CAT Plan, which is updated each year and routinely tested. It outlines how TWIA prepares for, responds to, and aids in the recovery process for catastrophic weather disasters.
  • Funded to $4.03 billion – TWIA has secured access to funding totaling $4.03 billion for the 2021 hurricane season. This meets our statutory funding requirement to respond to a 1-in-100 year storm season. Learn more on our Funding 101 page.
Stay Connected
As we progress through the 2021 hurricane season, TWIA wants to remain a valuable resource to you and your clients. You can stay connected with us through our Facebook page. If you’re in our coverage area and have a Nextdoor profile, you can also connect with us there.

As always, if you have any questions, please contact our Agent Services team at or (800) 788-8247.

Texas Windstorm Insurance Association
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