July 16, 2024
Newsletter Sections

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Good News!
Funding Opportunities
Upcoming Seminars & Events
Open Research Positions
Research Resources
School of Medicine Applications for Bridge Funding Due July 25
Please note that the next UCI Office of Research deadline for Bridge Funding is Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. Complete applications must include a signed letter of support by your department chair showing financial commitment. Bridge Funding applications are due to the School of Medicine Office of Research by Thursday, July 25, 2024. 
For Faculty: Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) & Executive Leadership in Health Care (ELH) UCI Internal Applicant Call
The UCI School of Medicine Dean’s Office is requesting internal applicants for the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) and Executive Leadership in Health Care (ELH) programs offered through Drexel University College of Medicine in Philadelphia, Penn., for women leaders in academic medicine or healthcare for the 2025–26 cycle. Learn more about eligibility and the process. UCI internal applications are due by Monday, Aug. 5, 2024, to Claire Brainard Draper
School of Medicine Dean's Research Council Meeting
School of Medicine Dean Michael Stamos and Associate Dean for Research Administration William E. Bunney invite you to attend this quarterly meeting featuring two distinguished research presentations:

Cutting-Edge Laser Scanning Technology for Advanced Skin Diagnosis and Monitoring Therapies by Mihaela Balu, PhD, associate professor, Dermatology & Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic

Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium (MoTrPAC) Early Insights by Shlomit Radom-Aizik, PhD, professor, Pediatrics

Tuesday, August 13, 5 to 6 p.m.
Via Zoom 

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Last Call for Early Bird Pricing | D&I Training Opportunity (Virtual Event)
The Mountain States Partnership for Community-Engaged Dissemination & Implementation (MS-CEDI) Training Institute is hosting an annual training program to support scientists and professionals interested in learning the fundamental concepts of dissemination and implementation science (DIS) and its applications. This includes faculty, research investigators and staff, practice and/or community-based professionals, students, postdoctoral fellows and others. Review the preliminary agenda

August 11–16, 2024 
Via Zoom 

Early bird pricing ($450) ends Thursday, July 18

Prepare for Changes Coming to NIH Institutional Training Grant Applications
With changes on the way for institutional training grant submissions due on or after Jan. 25, 2025, now is the time to familiarize yourself with the key updates as you plan your next application! NIH experts walk through the upcoming changes in this recent webinar. Read more.
New NIH Policy on Resubmission Applications (including R and F)
When resubmitting your NIH application, any changes made should only be outlined in the Introduction attachment. NIH recently released a guide notice to clarify that any type of markups should not be used to identify changes. Read more
Registration for Ethics in Clinical Research
The Institute for Clinical & Translational Science (ICTS) has worked to revise the curriculum for the Master of Science in Biomedical & Translational Science (MS-BATS) program, which relaunched this summer. ICTS is pleased to invite a larger audience to attend one of the summer courses, BATS 296, titled “Ethics in Clinical Research,” which runs from June 25–Aug. 27. The course will be held on Tuesdays from 3 to 5:50 p.m. in the College of Health Sciences (COHS) building, Room 2110. The course directors are Drs. Bruce Albala and Mark A. Rothstein.

This course introduces the ethical principles and regulations that govern the conduct of research involving human participants. The course covers topics such as the history and evolution of research ethics, the ethical framework and guidelines for research, the roles and responsibilities of researchers, institutions, and oversight bodies. It covers research from the design stage to publication, including recruitment, informed consent, the protection of vulnerable populations, and privacy. It also covers research misconduct and the challenges of emerging, translational bioethics and international research.

If you are interested in attending one or more of the lectures, register here for the MS-BATS 296 Lectures
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Good News!
Casey Hudson and Onwodi Ifejeokwu (graduate students, Acharya lab, Anatomy & Neurobiology) received Radiation Research Society (RRS) Scholars in Training (SIT) travel awards and presentation invitations for the RRS annual conference (September 2024 in Arizona).

Have you or someone on your research team received research funding or an award? The School of Medicine Office of Research would like to know! Please fill out this short New Research Funding or Award Survey form.
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Funding Opportunities
Find funding opportunities for trainees, postdocs and early career faculty, and all faculty.

For more funding opportunities and resources to help in your funding search, visit the Funding Opportunities page

For a curated, searchable and filterable list of funding opportunities announced by NIH in their weekly NIH guide listserv, check out the School of Medicine Funding Search Tool.

Considering applying for a Limited Funding Opportunity? Typically, you submit a pre-proposal to the Office of Research via UCI Review. If the opportunity is not listed, email the Research Development Unit (RDU)
Postdocs & Early Career Faculty Funding Opportunities
ATTN: Grad Students & Postdocs applying for the NIH F31/F32 (NRSA) Fellowship due Aug. 8, 2024 
If you are planning to submit an NIH F31 or F32 application for the Aug. 8 deadline, remember that the School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) can help with your application! The RDU can review your grant application, check for sponsor requirements, review biosketches and more. Complete this Grant Support Request, and a member of the RDU will contact you. If you have any questions, email the RDU
All Faculty Funding Opportunities
MacArthur Foundation: 100&Change Competition
Solving society’s biggest problems is not easy, but the MacArthur Foundation believes solutions are possible. 100&Change is their global competition for a proposal that promises real and measurable progress toward solving a critical social challenge. They will award a single $100 million grant to help make that solution a reality. They are open to organizations working in any field, anywhere in the world. Read more.

If you are considering applying, please email somrd@hs.uci.edu and Roxanne Ford (fordmr@uci.edu).

Registration Deadline: Thursday, August 15, 2024
UCI Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders and The Women’s Alzheimer’s Movement: Call for Pilot Grant Proposals 
The purpose of the initiative is to capitalize on the research expertise within UCI MIND and across the UCI campus and to leverage this expertise to accelerate science to understand the role of sex and gender in Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders. This partnered initiative is now accepting applications for pilot grants of up to $100,000 (direct costs) for the funding period of 10/01/2024–09/31/2025. Read more and apply here

Deadline: Friday, August 16, 2024, 5 p.m. 
NIH Research Career Development Awards (K)
The NIH K award mechanism can be a great mechanism for you depending on your research career stage. This mechanism has different types of funding opportunities that provide support at various career stages: early career, physician scientist, predoc, postdoc, midcareer and established. Here’s a list of active NIH funding opportunities, filtered for a subset of the K mechanisms. If you have any questions or are interested, please contact the School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) at somrd@hs.uci.edu
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Upcoming Seminars & Events
UCI Susan Samueli Integrative Health Research Webinar
ACUpuncture In The EmergencY department for pain management (ACUITY): An NIH funded multi-site feasibility study with Jeffery Dusek, PhD, Professor in Residence, Department of Medicine, UCI School of Medicine, Director of Outcomes Research, UCI Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute. The SSIHI Research Webinars provide insight into integrative health research through an informative presentation by a SSIHI researcher, pilot awardee, Samueli Scholar or invited-guest lecturer. Learn more

Wednesday, July 17, noon to 1 p.m. 
Via Zoom 

CHOC Research Seminar: ABCs of Evidence Synthesis: From Research to Practice
Unlock the Power of Systematic Reviews: A Must-Attend Workshop for Researchers and Clinicians! Delve into the art and science of systematic reviews with our specialized workshop, organized by CHOC Research. This unique educational experience is open to the dedicated faculty and staff of CHOC, UC Irvine, Chapman University and others, offering an unparalleled opportunity to enhance your research capabilities and evidence-synthesis skills. Learn more.

Friday, July 19, 8:45 to 11:30 a.m. 
Via Zoom

Department of Anatomy & Neurobiology Dissertation Defense
Sex- and Hormone- Dependent Differences in Memory Vulnerability to Acute Traumatic Stress, by Rachael Elizabeth Hokenson, PhD candidate, Dr. Tallie Z. Baram’s Lab

Tuesday, July 23, 2 p.m. 
Location: Hybrid event at Nelson Auditorium (Irvine Hall, ground floor) or via Zoom 

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UCI Center for Neural Circuit Mapping (CNCM) 2024 Conference — Register by Friday, July 19!
Brain Cell Types, Circuits and Disorders. Co-hosted with Cajal Club. Register by Friday, July 19! 

August 19–21
Location: Beckman Center of the National Academies of Sciences & Engineering, 100 Academy Way, Irvine, CA 92617 

Grand Rounds and CME Symposia
For Continuing Medical Education (CME) opportunities, view the weekly Grand Rounds & CME Symposia email.
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Open Research Positions
Postdoctoral Scholar in the Ezzati Lab / Neuroinformatics and Neurological Data Sciences
The Lab of Neuroinformatics and Neurological Data Sciences (Ezzati Lab) is looking for a highly motivated and talented Postdoctoral Researcher to join our team. This individual will become part of a dynamic and innovative research group focused on advancing our understanding of Alzheimer's disease by leveraging big data from cohorts and clinical trials.

PI: Ali Ezzati, MD
View the posting in AP Recruit
Closing Date: Saturday, August 31, 2024 

Associate Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations
Under the general direction of the executive director, the associate director will manage and coordinate funding opportunities from foundations, associations and corporations with a specific focus on the STEM fields with assignments to STEM schools such as engineering or biological sciences. The incumbent will edit proposals, concept papers, case statements and various types of support and inquiry letters generally at the level of $25,000+ for institutional fundraising priorities with an annual fundraising goal of $1 million and will serve as campus liaison with assigned foundations, associations and corporations. View the posting in UCI Careers.
Do you have an open research-related position you would also like announced in Research Insider? Please fill out this form to have your open position listed.

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Research Resources
Updated Resource for Who Can Do What in eRA Commons
Need to know which role can do what in eRA Commons? A handy matrix, recently updated, gives you information about eRA Commons Roles and Privileges at a Glance. Read more
Find Your NIH Application Due Date 
Use these steps to quickly confirm which due dates are relevant for your next application. The answer depends on multiple factors: your choice of funding opportunity, scientific focus and application type. Read more
School of Medicine-Samueli School of Engineering (SOM-SSoE) Incentive Program for Grant Submissions
UCI School of Medicine and the UCI Samueli School of Engineering deans’ offices are pleased to support the School of Medicine-Samueli School of Engineering (SOM-SSoE) Incentive Program to promote collaborative grant submissions between our schools. The program is specifically for multi-PI (MPI) research grants with one MPI from the School of Medicine and the other MPI from Samueli School of Engineering at the NIH R01 level or similar (not R03 or R21).

To be eligible for these funds, one faculty member of the team must fill out the SOM-SSoE Incentive Form prior to submission. Review the incentive form for complete program details. 
School of Medicine BioRender Group Site License
To offer the BioRender Software at a reduced cost to the research community, the School of Medicine is facilitating a group site license. For the 2024–25 period, the estimated cost per seat for BioRender is $215.40. A KFS account code is needed. If interested in purchasing a license, please complete this sign-up approval form (requires VPN and UCINetID). 
School of Medicine Research Development Unit Resources
What kind of grant support does the Research Development Unit (RDU) provide?
School of Medicine Research Collaboration Request Form
Interested in finding research collaborators but not sure where to start? Complete the UCI School of Medicine Research Collaboration Request Form, and a member of the School of Medicine Research Development Unit will be in touch with you shortly. 
Intramural & Foundation Funding Opportunities Lists
The Research Development Unit (RDU) has created lists of intramural funding opportunities and foundation funding opportunities. If you have additional opportunities that should be included, please do not hesitate to email at somrd@hs.uci.edu.
COVID-19 Information
If you have a positive COVID-19 test, you must report online using the Occupational Health COVID-19 Intake Form. Please refer to the new guidelines posted on July 3, 2024.
Contribute to Research Insider!
Submit your funding opportunities and events to next week's email here: Seminar/Event or Funding Opportunity.

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