Five School of Medicine Graduate Students Make it to the 2025 UC Irvine Grad Slam Semifinals! | Congratulations to five of our School of Medicine students for making it to this year’s UC Irvine Grad Slam Semifinals!
- Jasmine Chavez, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Gary Lynch Lab
- Tessa Chou, Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, Matt Marsden Lab
- Gabriela de Robles, Biological Chemistry, Marcus Seldin Lab
- Emily Tom, Physiology & Biophysics, Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk Lab
- Celina Yang, Anatomy & Neurobiology, Lynch Lab
Grad Slam is a UC systemwide competition that showcases and awards the best three-minute research presentations by graduate scholars. UC Irvine is in the process of identifying our finalist who will be sent to the systemwide finals in Sacramento. The School of Medicine has a great track record. Last year, graduate student Onwodi Ifejeokwu (Anatomy & Neurobiology, Munjal Acharya Lab), took home the top prize with her presentation, “Kill the Cancer; Spare the Brain!” and May Hui (Physiology & Biophysics, Kevin Beier Lab) took home third place with her talk, “Flipping the Switch on Chronic Pain.”
RSVP to attend the In-Person Grad Slam UCI Semifinals on Friday, Feb. 7, and join the Research Insider in congratulating our amazing trainees! |
Next week! Join us for Bringing Biology to the Patient: A Collaborative Faculty Retreat | You’re invited to attend Bringing Biology to the Patient: A Collaborative Faculty Retreat with the UCI School of Medicine and the UCI Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences. All event details, including the agenda, can be found on the Faculty Research Retreat website.
Thursday, Feb. 13, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m Location: Beall Applied Innovation
Resources for 2025 NIH Applications | Changes to the NIH Applications and Peer Review are now in effect. Please review to ensure your applications are in compliance and responsive to the new requirements and review process. Read more.
To Do in 2025: Keep Your eRA Personal Profile Updated | The Personal Profile module in eRA Commons is where you — as a principal investigator, award recipient, trainee, reviewer or other Commons user — tell NIH and other awarding agencies about yourself. Awarding agencies need to know about you to grant awards, process those awards and more. Here are a few reasons that it is extremely important to keep your Personal Profile updated. Read more.
Monthly on Mondays | Faculty Development Series | Understanding Faculty Compensation, presented by Rebecca Brusuelas-James, and TJ Kennedy. Monthly on Mondays, presented by Nimisha Parekh, MD, and Brian Cummings, PhD, associate deans of faculty development, is a monthly seminar series covering a wide range of topics focused on faculty development.
Monday, Feb. 10, 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. Via Zoom
School of Medicine Dean's Research Council Meeting | School of Medicine Dean Michael J. Stamos and Associate Dean for Research Administration William E. Bunney invite you to attend this quarterly meeting featuring two distinguished research presentations:
How the Kidney Regulates Cerebrovascular Disease (and Other Microvascular Novelties) by Mark J. Fisher, MD, Professor, Departments of Neurology, Anatomy & Neurobiology, and Pathology
Research Update – the UCI Center on Stress and Health by Zeev N. Kain, MD, MBA, Distinguished Professor of Anesthesiology, Department of Medicine; Director, UCI Center on Stress & Health
Tuesday, Feb. 11, 5 to 6 p.m. Via Zoom Meeting ID: 968 2620 4626 | Passcode: 109533
Physician Scientist Collective Network Hosts Federico Vaca, MD, MPH |
Advancing Emergency Medicine Through Intentional Pursuit of Physician-Scientist Opportunity and Trajectory, by Federico Vaca, MD, MPH, Professor and Executive Vice Chair of Emergency Medicine, UC Irvine School of Medicine; Faculty Associate, Institute of Transportation Studies
- Coffee & Refreshments – 3:30 to 4 p.m.
- Presentation – 4 to 5 p.m.
During coffee and refreshments, you can meet Dr. Vaca and your colleagues. The School of Medicine Research Development staff will host office hours to address research-related questions.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 3:30 to 5 p.m. Location: Sprague Hall, Conference Room 105
Deadline Extended! UCI NIH Boot Camp Applications Due Feb. 18 | The UCI NIH Boot Camp is a comprehensive, multifaceted mentoring program designed to help faculty and career researchers apply for their first research grants from NIH. Applications are due Feb. 18, 2025. |
Planning an NIH Resubmission in March? | Remember that the School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) provides grant support and manages the NIH Resubmission Program. The School of Medicine will provide funds to support resubmission applications, including the costs of subject matter expert reviews and other unique proposal needs. Direct any inquiries to the RDU.
Request for Applications: School of Medicine New Investigator Faculty Research Grant | The School of Medicine Research Committee is pleased to announce the School of Medicine New Investigator Faculty Research Grant competition. It is the policy of the Committee to support seed research projects from new investigators that have a high probability of obtaining extramural funding as a result of this award. To qualify, the applicant must have the NIH “Early Stage Investigator” status and not yet competed successfully as a PI to receive substantial independent NIH funding. Please submit inquiries to somrd@hs.uci.edu.
Deadline: Thursday, March 6, 2025 Apply via InfoReady. |
Call for Applications: Robert & Sylvia Mapel Research Innovation Award | The UCI School of Medicine is pleased to announce a 2025 call for applications for the Robert & Sylvia Mapel Research Innovation Award. This award is aimed at promoting the early exploration of high-risk research ideas focused on emerging areas of basic and applied biomedical science. Funding will support one $45,000 grant to a PhD mentor and PhD student team of UCI School of Medicine faculty member and graduate academic researcher.
Application Deadline: Thursday, April 3, 2025, by 5 p.m.
Read More |
Faculty Mentoring Academy – UCI Academic Personnel | Mentorship is a powerful tool for working with graduate students. It also enhances collaborative relationships between early-career and senior faculty. Faculty, however, often mentor in the way they were mentored. Many faculty do not have routine formal mentor training. In this workshop series, we will use a discussion and case study approach to share and improve our skills for mentoring graduate students and other trainees. We will focus on the development of applicable mentoring strategies. All faculty are welcome to attend.
The Faculty Mentoring Academy will be delivered via a series of five workshops held during the course of each academic year. Faculty who attend three of the five workshops (over a two-year period) will be eligible to receive a certificate, reflecting the designation of having attended the “Faculty Mentoring Academy.” All workshops are from 10 a.m. to noon at Donald Bren Hall 6011 Seminar Room:
- Wednesday, Feb. 12: “Inspiring Motivation” | RSVP
- Tuesday, March 4: “Aligning Expectations” | RSVP
- Thursday, May 22: “Effective Communication” | RSVP
Inaugural MAXImizing Training in MUScle Research (MAXIMUS) Retreat: Abstract submission now open! (Short Talk abstract deadline extended!) | The UCI Muscle Biology and Disease Research Center presents the Inaugural MAXIMUS Retreat centered on cutting-edge work in mechanisms and therapeutics of neuromuscular diseases. Activities will include talks from invited leaders in the field, current MAXIMUS awardees, and selected abstracts from UCI trainees, a career panel luncheon, and a poster session with awards. Additionally, a seed grant funding opportunity for trainees will be announced at the event.
Highlighted speakers: Tom Lloyd (Baylor College of Medicine), Alessandra Sacco (Sanford Burnham Prebys) and Stephen Tapscott (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center)
Students, postdocs, and clinical fellows are encouraged to showcase their work by presenting a poster/talk:
- Abstract submission deadline (short talk): Feb. 14, 2025
- Abstract submission deadline (poster only): March 29, 2025
Thursday, April 10, 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Location: Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Building (ISEB) Auditorium 1010
MS-BATS Program Now Open: Excel as an Effective Clinical Researcher with a Degree in Biomedical and Translational Science | The Master of Science in Biomedical and Translational Science (MS-BATS) program trains students to conduct high-quality multidisciplinary clinical research at the intersection of basic science and clinical medicine. Learn more and apply.
Just announced! Information Session: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 5 to 6 p.m., via Zoom | Register
Deadline: May 30, 2025 |
| Jerod Rasmussen, PhD (Pediatrics), received an NIH R01, “ Developmental Programming of the Human Hypothalamus and its Role in Motivated Behaviors.” This proposal describes a comprehensive plan to conduct research in a large representative developmental sample to establish normative MRI-based measures of hypothalamic brain circuits, identify their susceptibility to early life adversity/stress, and determine the association of these measures with the motivated behaviors that underly several common mental health disorders. The identification of hypothalamus-related biomarkers of motivated behaviors in the context of development will contribute to an improved understanding of the neurological underpinnings of mental health risk, and identify intervention targets for primary prevention while informing policy at the national level. Do you or someone on your team have research-related good news to report (e.g., research funding/award, publication, other accolade)? We would like to know! Please fill out this short Good News submission form. |
Trainee Funding Opportunities |
Graduate Student Summer Support Grants by the UCI Center for Medical Humanities | UCI graduate students (PhD and MFA) and medical students are eligible to apply for individual summer support grants (max award $2,000) through the UCI Center for Medical Humanities (CMH). Preference to the graduate students in the center’s three supporting Schools: Arts, Humanities and Medicine. Preference will also be given to students who have completed or are in the process of completing the Graduate Emphasis in Medical Humanities. Projects must be aligned with the center’s mission. Graduate students may receive only ONE summer support grant during their graduate studies. Learn more. Deadline: Monday, Feb. 24, 2025
Postdocs & Early Career Faculty Funding Opportunities |
Postdoc opportunity: Partnerships for Research in Implementation Science for Equity in Heart and Lung Diseases (PRISE-HL) T32 Program | The goal of the Partnerships for Research in Implementation Science for Equity in Heart and Lung Diseases (PRISE-HL) T32 program is to provide support to outstanding post-doctoral scholars with interdisciplinary training in implementation science and health equity approaches to help transform the uptake and delivery of evidence-based interventions for heart and lung diseases in clinical and community settings.
There are four postdoc positions to start by July 1, 2025. The location is the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) or the University of California, Irvine (UCI). The position may be fully remote or hybrid, depending on the research scope. One-year training slots are available on a competitive basis to trainees proposing implementation science research in NHLBI priority areas (heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders), with a focus on health disparities. Apply here.
Deadline: March 1, 2025
All Faculty Funding Opportunities |
Newly released ARPA-H Funding Announcements | The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) has significant funding to accelerate biomedical and health research that cannot be readily accomplished through traditional research or commercial activity. This ARPA submission resources/FAQ webpage provides useful resources, templates and links to help you understand the details of the process, from initial submission to a final awarded agreement. Slides from “Doing Business with ARPA-H” include the ARPA-(H)eilmeier Questions (slide 13), which are imperative to answer in all proposals
McAllister & Quinn hosted a comprehensive informational webinar on Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) on Oct. 29, 2024. The materials (slide deck, agency engagement guide and recording) are available on the School of Medicine Office of Research webinar recordings webpage. Your UCINetID login is required to view the page.
Active programs:
If you are considering applying, please email somrd@hs.uci.edu. |
Request for Proposals: Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Pilot Awards funded by the Anti-Cancer Challenge | Deadline: Friday, Feb. 21, 2025
Physician Opportunity: Integrative & Functional Medicine Fellowship | The Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute is accepting applications for the Integrative & Functional Medicine Fellowship (IFMF) for our March 2025 cohort. The fellowship is open to MDs, DOs, NPs and PAs. Additionally, scholarships covering 25–50% of tuition are available on a first-come, first-served basis for qualified UCI/UCI Health clinicians. This fellowship offers a comprehensive curriculum that integrates principles of both integrative and functional medicine, equipping participants with the skills necessary to deliver personalized, patient-centered care. Key areas of study include nutrition and fitness, lifestyle medicine, self-care, mind-body medicine, environmental medicine, botanical medicine and traditional medical systems delivered in both didactic format and case-based presentations. Apply here.
Deadline: Monday, Feb. 24, 2025 |
Faculty Research Grants by the UCI Center for Medical Humanities | The UCI Center for Medical Humanities invites UCI faculty to apply for individual or collaborative research grants, with a maximum award of $3,000. The center supports research and initiatives that examine various aspects of human embodiment, particularly as they intersect with experiences of illness, disability and bodyminds (the center’s mission). While individual projects are not required to encompass all perspectives on a given topic, CMH-funded projects must be grounded in academic research and foster an inclusive space for diverse viewpoints. Learn more.
Eligibility: ONLY UCI Academic Senate and clinical faculty are eligible to apply for these grants. Center for Medical Humanities’ Executive Committee members are NOT eligible to apply for funding. Center for Medical Humanities’ Advisory Committee members may apply for funding.
Priority will be given to proposals from faculty in the Schools of the Arts, Humanities and Medicine as the lead schools in the interschool center. Individuals from other schools are welcome to apply, particularly if their proposed project is in collaboration with a colleague from one of the three lead schools. We encourage collaborative efforts that represent more than one academic discipline and therefore more than one perspective.
Deadline: Monday, Feb. 24, 2025
UC Irvine Diabetes Center: Research Funding Opportunity | The UC Irvine Diabetes Center (UCIDC) is pleased to announce the availability of funding for up to five pilot projects, each with a maximum budget of $50,000. The approximate starting date for the projects will be May 1, 2025. All proposals should meet the following criteria: - The project must address unmet needs in diabetes prevention, diagnosis or treatment.
- The proposal must be a collaborative effort, led by at least two principal investigators.
- At least one PI must be affiliated with the UCI School of Medicine.
- The PIs need to be available to present their projects at the Diabetes Center Council meeting in March or April 2025 (specific date to be announced). Council members, who include Diabetes Center donors, will be members of the proposal evaluation committee.
- The selected PIs will be asked to present their projects at the next Diabetes Research at UCI Symposium which is expected to be in late 2025.
For further details, please email Qin Yang, MD, PhD, director, UC Irvine Diabetes Center, qiny3@hs.uci.edu.
Deadline: Friday, Feb. 28, 2025
Considering applying for an NIH S10 award? | The NIH S10 Instrumentation Grant Program supports the purchase of state-of-the-art commercially available instruments to enhance the research of NIH-funded investigators. S10 proposals are complex and require the collaboration of numerous researchers and institutional support. All S10 proposals are due June 2, 2025.
The Schol of Medicine Office of Research requires School of Medicine PI(s) to notify the Research Development Unit (RDU) of their intent to submit an S10 proposal by March 3, 2025. This is to ensure coordinated institutional support and that the RDU can provide optimal support to all PIs. Please email the RDU to alert us of your plans to apply. |
Upcoming Seminars & Events |
Department of Biological Chemistry BC Seminar Series |
A Search for Connection: Conservation of Antiviral Immunity Across Domains of Life by Benjamin R. Morehouse, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, UC Irvine Dunlop School of Biological Sciences
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 11 a.m. to noon Location: Plumwood House / Showa Denko Lecture Hall
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Seminar Series |
Decoding the Mechanistic Principles of Gene Regulation by Mitochondrial 3D Spatial Organization, by Tatsuhisa Tsuboi, PhD, Associate Professor, Institute of Biopharmaceutical and Health Engineering, Tsinghua Shenzhen International Graduate School
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 4 p.m. Location: Tamkin F114
Physiology & Biophysics Research in Progress Seminar | Investigating the Neural Mechanisms of Negative and Positive Social Interactions, by Maximillian Lin, Graduate Student, Kevin T. Beier, PhD, Lab, UC Irvine School of Medicine Wednesday, Feb. 5, 4 to 5 p.m. Location: Plumwood House Lecture Hall
Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Seminar Series |
Mechanism of Length-Dependent Nuclear RNA Degradation, by Liang Liu, PhD, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics, UC Irvine School of Medicine
Thursday, Feb. 6, 9 a.m. Location: Plumwood House, Room 166
Center for Translational Vision Research (CTVR) Distinguished Speaker Series |
Molecular Innovation at the CRISPR-Transposon Interface, by Samuel H. Sternberg, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Columbia University. Learn more on CTVR's event page.
Friday, Feb. 7, 8:30 to 10 a.m. Location: Hybrid event at the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute, 3rd Floor, Cavanaugh Conference Room, or via Zoom
Genetics, Biomedical Computing & Genomics Monthly Seminar Series | What’s New in Genomics Technologies? Presented by Genomics Research and Technology Hub (GRT Hub) staff. Learn more.
Friday, Feb. 7, 10 to 11 a.m. PT Via Zoom |
Experimental Pathology Research Conferences | Diabetes Pathophysiology and Treatment: Exploring East Asian and Caucasian Differences, by Jung Hun Ohn, MD, PhD, Professor, Department of Internal Medicine, Director, Precision Medicine Center, Biomedical Research Institute, Seoul National University College of Medicine
Monday, Feb. 10, 11 a.m. to noon PT Location: Hybrid event at Plumwood House / Showa Denko Lecture Hall and via Zoom
12th Annual Stem Cell Science Symposium | Engage with leading experts and learn more about their groundbreaking research at the 12th Annual Stem Cell Science Symposium, presented by the UCI Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center. Speakers include Tom Rando, MD, PhD, UCLA, Joseph Wu, MD, PhD, Stanford University, Andras Nagy, MD, PhD, University of Toronto, Albert La Spada, MD, PhD, UC Irvine, Quinton Smith, PhD, UC Irvine, and Matthew Inlay, PhD, UC Irvine. Read flyer for more details.
Wednesday, Feb. 12, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Location: Gross Hall, 4th Floor Thorp Conference Center
Physiology & Biophysics Seminar Series | Mechanisms of Ligand- and Voltage-dependent Activation in Pacemaker Ion Channels, by Baron Chanda, PhD, Professor, Division of Pain Research, Department of Anesthesiology; Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics and Neuroscience, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Friday, Feb. 14, 10 to 11 a.m. Location: Hybrid event at Plumwood House Lecture Hall or via Zoom
Contact Claire Chen to join via Zoom.
12th Annual Conte Center Symposium | Please join us for the 12th Annual Conte Center Symposium on February 18 at the Beckman Center. The theme is Translating the Science of Early-Life Adversity to Benefit California's Children. Please visit the Conte Center’s website for more information.
Tuesday, Feb. 18, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Location: In-person at The Beckman Center of the National Academies of Science & Engineering and via Zoom
Stata Lunch Series | Presented by Chuck Huber, PhD, StataCorp. The UCI Center for Statistical Consulting and ICTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research and Design units are pleased to announce our series of FREE virtual courses on Stata! Stata is a popular statistical analysis software that many researchers find useful. All workshops are at noon via Zoom.
- Wednesday, Feb. 19: Causal Inference for Complex Observational Data (120 minutes) | Register
- Wednesday, March 12: Introduction to Causal Mediation Analysis (90 minutes) | Register
- Wednesday, April 16: Introduction to Survey Statistics Using Stata (90 minutes) | Register
- Wednesday, May 7: Structural Equation Modeling (150 minutes) | Register
- Wednesday, June 4: Latent Class Analysis Using Stata (90 minutes) | Register
To learn more about our services, visit the UCI Center for Statistical Consulting and the ICTS Biostatistics, Epidemiology, Research and Design websites. |
8th Annual Skin Symposium | The Language of Skin: Decoding Immunity, Genetics and Technology. Dive into the forefront of skin research at UCI SKIN’s Skin Research Symposium. Engage with leading experts as they share groundbreaking insights into dermatology, skin health and innovative treatments. Speakers include Iwei Yeh, MD, PhD, Jaehyuk Choi, MD, PhD, Shadmehr Demehro, MD, PhD, Piortor Konieczny, MD, PhD, Roxana Daneshjou, MD, PhD, Sarah Tishkoff, PhD, Zihao Ou, MD, PhD, J. Michelle Kahlenberg, PhD, and Fu-Tong Liu, PhD.
Friday, Feb. 21, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Location: Hybrid event at Gross Hall, 4th Floor, Thorp Conference Center & Sprague Hall Lobby and via Zoom
UCI SKIN: A Skin Biology Resource Center Distinguished Speaker Series | Mechanisms of Melanosome pH Regulation & Impact of Melanin Synthesis on Melanoma Pathogenesis, by Jonathan Zippin, MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Dermatology, Weill Cornell Medicine. Hosted by the UCI Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center.
Thursday, Feb. 27, Noon to 1 p.m. Location: Hybrid event at Beckman Laser Institute Library and via Zoom
Register for the 25th Annual Chao Lectureship | Join us for the 25th Annual Allen & Lee-Hwa Chao Lectureship in Cancer Research, in honor of H. H. Chao, to explore factors influencing cancer health disparities with honoree Karen Winkfield, MD, PhD, Executive Director of the Meharry-Vanderbilt Alliance and Associate Director for Community Outreach & Engagement at the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center. Learn more. Community Lecture: Trust and the National Cancer Plan: Empowering our Community Thursday, Feb. 27, 6 p.m. (Reception at 5 p.m.) Location: The Beckman Center
Scientific Lecture: Implementing COE Strategies: Enhancing a Cancer Center's Impact in the Community Friday, Feb. 28, 10 a.m. (Lunch to follow) Location: Gross Hall, Thorp Conference Center, 4th Floor
CHOC and UCI Rare Disease Symposium & Family Conference | The Fourth Annual CHOC and UCI Rare Disease Symposium & Family Conference will focus on the latest innovations in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases across various specialties. Attendees will experience dynamic presentations by leading experts, as well as personal stories from families affected by rare conditions, promoting a stronger sense of community and understanding.
Friday, Feb. 28, 2025, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT Location: The Beckman Center |
Rebuilding Trust in Science: What Can Researchers Do? | “Rebuilding Trust in Science: What Can Researchers Do?” | Research Integrity Symposium, a free symposium hosted by the UC Irvine Office of Research for faculty, postdocs and research personnel. This symposium will explore critical topics related to rebuilding trust in science and feature expert talks, interactive breakout sessions, and networking opportunities over morning refreshments, coffee and lunch.
Tuesday, March 4, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Location: Beckman Center, 100 Academy Way, Irvine, CA
CHOC Research Institute: Pediatric and Lifespan Data Science Conference: Abstract Submissions Open! | Join CHOC for the second Pediatric and Lifespan Data Science Conference! This event will explore the intersection of precision medicine and artificial intelligence, suicide prediction and the management of complex medical patients. Perspectives from patients, families, healthcare providers, health systems, data scientists and insurance companies will be featured.
Abstract Submission Deadline: Feb. 17, 2025 | Submit Abstract
April 10–11 Location: The Westin Anaheim Resort
| Do you have an open research-related position you would also like announced in Research Insider? Please fill out this form to have your open position listed.
What kind of grant support does the School of Medicine Research Development Unit provide? | |
What kind of grant support does the RDU provide to Physician Scientists? | Along with the general grant support the RDU provides (outlined above), there are multiple programs available outlined on the Physician Scientist Resources page. - Physician Scientist Collective: Monthly seminar series with visiting speakers
- Physician Scientist Pathways Certificate Course: Six-week, 12-hour hybrid course that introduce clinicians to research pathways
- Physician Scientist Training Program (PSTP): Helps physician scientists apply for their first K award
- Dean’s K Scholar: Provides awardees the protected time and mentorship needed to obtain NIH K/ equivalent funding
- Clinical Trialist Training Program (CTTP): Supports junior faculty on externally funded clinical trials through a 2-year partnership program with senior investigators already running clinical trials
Expiration of Cal/OSHA COVID-19 Non-Emergency Standards | Effective Feb. 3, in response to the expiration of the Cal/OSHA non-emergency COVID-19 prevention regulations, UCI Health will no longer require co-workers who test positive for COVID-19 to report their results to Occupational Health. Additionally, contact tracing for routine COVID-19 cases, notification of close contacts, and exposure location reporting are also discontinued.
Co-workers who experience symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive should follow the UCI Health Working Well Guidelines.
Please note: These updated state requirements do not change the UCI Health mandatory vaccination program participation policy. Co-workers who are not up-to-date with vaccinations for influenza and COVID-19 are still required to wear masks while on UCI Health premises.
Contribute to Research Insider! |
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