September 24, 2024
Newsletter Sections

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Good News!
Funding Opportunities
Upcoming Seminars & Events
Open Research Positions
Research Resources
Share your feedback on Research Insider with our reader survey!
The School of Medicine Office of Research invites you to share your feedback on Research Insider with our reader survey! Please take the less than 5-minute survey by Oct. 1 and help us improve. Thank you for your time and participation!

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Physician Scientist Collective Network Hosts Susanna McColley, MD
Pathways to Breakthroughs: Developing the Translational Science Workforce of the Future, by Susanna McColley, MD, FAAP, ATSF, Professor of Pediatrics (Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine), Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

  • Coffee & Refreshments – 3:30 to 4 p.m.
  • Presentation – 4 to 5 p.m. 

During coffee and refreshments, you can meet Dr. McColley and your colleagues. The School of Medicine Research Development staff will be hosting office hours to address any research-related questions.

Thursday, Oct. 3, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Location: Sprague Hall, Conference Room 105

2024 Annual Symposium for the Center for Neurotherapeutics: Challenges and Opportunities in Neurotherapeutics
Dr. Al La Spada, director, and Dr. Rob Spitale, associate director, of the UCI Center for Neurotherapeutics are delighted to announce the center’s Second Annual Symposium. The purpose of the symposium is to familiarize attendees with the UCI Center for Neurotherapeutics and introduce attendees to the exciting translational neuroscience research happening right on our campus and in labs across the country. Whether you are a student, postdoctoral trainee, faculty member, or staff member, we encourage you to join us, so please mark your calendars! Learn more

Friday, Oct. 4, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Location: Susan & Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences, Sue Gross Auditorium

Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center's Mentorship, Education and Training (MET) Program
The year-long Mentorship, Education and Training (MET) Program offers early-stage and mid-career faculty (mentees) in basic, clinical and population sciences the opportunity to engage with senior members (mentors) of the Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center to overcome career and scientific challenges.

Target applicant: Must be an early-stage or mid-career academic faculty pursuing careers with a substantial cancer research component in basic, clinical or population sciences. Apply here

Deadline Extended: Monday, Oct. 14, 2024
New Federal Common Disclosure Forms Strengthen Integrity and Security of NIH-Funded Research
These Common Disclosure Forms for the Biographical Sketch and Current and Pending (Other) Support aim to standardize disclosure requirements and processes across federal research agencies, with the goal of reducing the time and effort researchers spend providing disclosure information to federal funders and ensuring integrity throughout the research process. Read more
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Good News!
Michael Hicks, PhD (Physiology & Biophysics), received a NIAMS R01 titled, Modulating the Stem Cell Niche Set Point to Improve Skeletal Muscle Regeneration. Skeletal muscle is central to everything we do and must repair to meet the vital demands of human life. Human pluripotent stem cells are the only in vitro system that can create unlimited numbers of muscle cells in a dish. How hPSCs commit to all stages of skeletal muscle growth and how to support these muscle cells once they are created is pivotal to improve our understanding of skeletal muscle repair, development, and to design better cell therapies. Skeletal muscle stem cells are supported by their niche, but the molecular cues regulating the niche of hPSC muscle cells has only begun to be explored. This proposal seeks to regulate the hPSC muscle niche to better support the number and function of muscle cells created by hPSCs.

Have you or someone on your research team received research funding or an award? The School of Medicine Office of Research would like to know! Please fill out this short New Research Funding or Award Survey form.
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Funding Opportunities
Find funding opportunities for trainees, postdocs and early career faculty, and all faculty.

For more funding opportunities and resources to help in your funding search, visit the Funding Opportunities page

For a curated, searchable and filterable list of funding opportunities announced by NIH in their weekly NIH guide listserv, check out the School of Medicine Funding Search Tool.

Considering applying for a Limited Funding Opportunity? Typically, you submit a pre-proposal to the Office of Research via UCI Review. If the opportunity is not listed, email the Research Development Unit (RDU)
Postdocs & Early Career Faculty Funding Opportunities
Limited: Moore Foundation Inventor Fellows Program
The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation’s Moore Inventor Fellows program seeks to identify outstanding inventors and innovators who harness science and technology to enhance the conduct of scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care. The scope of this call is intentionally wide: proposed projects do not need to fall within Moore’s current funding priorities but should be broadly within the program areas of foundation interest (science, environmental conservation and patient care).

Each fellow will receive funding for three years at a level of $200,000 per year from the Moore Foundation. In addition to funds for the fellow, the foundation will provide the host institution with $25,000 each year to cover costs associated with administering the grant award, resulting in a total three-year award amount of $675,000. Host institutions will be required to make a contribution of $50,000 in annual direct support of the inventor’s work (i.e., mandatory cost share) which has been arranged with the UCI Office of Research and UCI Beall Applied Innovation.

Eligibility: Candidates must be within 10 years of receiving the advanced terminal degree in their field (MS, PhD. or MD received on or after 2015). They can be tenure-line faculty, teaching faculty, research scientists, post-docs or other full-time affiliates of the university.

UCI may submit only two nominations for this award opportunity. Therefore, interested applicants are asked to submit a preliminary application to the UCI Office of Research via UCI Review

Deadline: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024
All Faculty Funding Opportunities
Newly released ARPA-H funding announcements
The Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) accelerates better health outcomes by supporting high-potential, high-impact biomedical and health research that cannot be readily accomplished through traditional research or commercial activity. ARPA-H awardees are developing entirely new ways to tackle the hardest challenges in health. The FY24–26 Strategic Plan provides a blueprint detailing the agency's approach. Review past and active ARPA-H funding programs to get a sense of this agency’s research interests. Active programs:

If you are considering applying, please email
Limited: NIH/NIGMS Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams
The NIH/NIGMS Collaborative Program Grant for Multidisciplinary Teams is designed to support highly integrated research teams of three to six PDs/PIs to address ambitious and challenging research questions that are important for the mission of NIGMS and are beyond the scope of one or two investigators. Collaborative program teams are expected to accomplish goals that require considerable synergy and managed team interactions. Project goals should not be achievable with a collection of individual efforts or projects. Teams are encouraged to consider far-reaching objectives that will produce major advances in their fields. 

UCI may submit two applications in response to this call per review round; therefore, interested applicants wishing to apply for the Jan. 28, 2025, deadline are asked to submit an expression of interest via UCI Review.

Deadline: Friday, Sept. 27, 2024
Opportunity for University of California System Researchers and National Laboratory Collaborators to Advance AI at Scale
The University of California (UC) system, in partnership with NNSA laboratories, is seeking proposals from UC researchers for collaborative projects that advance the frontiers of artificial intelligence and machine learning at scale.

Workshop: Wednesday, Oct. 16, 2024, at University of California, Riverside. At this workshop, they will have plenary sessions that will present the objectives of the three key technical focus areas: Biological Systems, Multiphysics Applications and Materials Discovery. They will also have breakout sessions in each focus area to allow the UC and National Laboratory colleagues to exchange ideas and begin to network and form teams in preparation for the proposals. Learn more and register for the workshop

Workshop registration deadline: Friday, Oct. 4, 2024
2024 DataWorks! Prize
The DataWorks! Prize recognizes the impactful role of data reuse on human health. Through the 2024 Prize, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will recognize and reward research teams who propose and execute innovative secondary analysis and data reuse to generate novel scientific findings and create a valuable set of case studies and examples that can be used by the broader research community.

Participants will participate in a two-phase challenge. In the first phase, research teams will submit a proposal for a secondary analysis research project that can be completed within a 6-month period and incorporates data from one or more generalist repositories participating in the Generalist Repository Ecosystem Initiative (GREI); data from other repositories can be combined. In the second phase, selected teams will complete their reuse/secondary analysis research projects and share their findings publicly. Read more

Phase 1 Deadline: Wednesday, Oct. 23, 2024
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) Funding Opportunities
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) funds patient-centered comparative clinical effectiveness research (CER), issuing funding opportunity announcements several times each year. PCORI also funds projects that support CER, such as methodology studies, as well as projects that support engagement in research and dissemination and implementation of PCORI-funded research findings. There are several active funding opportunities
FY 2025 NIH Loan Repayment Program Cycle Is Open 
The NIH Loan Repayment Program offers applicants the opportunity to receive up to $100,000 towards qualified educational debt in exchange for agreeing to perform NIH mission-relevant research. Applications for FY 2025 LRP awards are open now through Nov. 21, 2024. Read more
Funding Opportunity to Use NIH All of Us Data to Advance Health Research  
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) All of Us Research Program is building one of the largest biomedical data resources of its kind by collecting health data and biospecimens from a diverse cohort of one million or more participants nationwide. The objective is to accelerate health research and medical breakthroughs, enabling individualized prevention, and health care for all of us. 

Under this announcement, we intend to fund projects at a maximum level of $2,500 each. Proposals will be evaluated based on their scientific merit. Successful applications are those considered to have a high potential for publications and for future extramural funding.  Applicants for this funding opportunity must be full-time UCI faculty including those in the Clinical and Adjunct Research series who have an established account with the NIH All of Us Researcher Workbench. The scope of the proposed research must be planned to be completed within one year. The proposals that receive this funding will be required to present their work, either in progress or completed, at a webinar for the All of Us Southern California Consortium. Applications must be submitted to Jenny Fang at Each applicant is only allowed to submit one application. Read more

Deadline: Ongoing
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Upcoming Seminars & Events
The Role of the Biostatistician: Driving the Science in Data-Intensive Research
Join for a vibrant discussion featuring a diverse panel of outstanding experts on how biostatisticians should drive science in today's complex data-intensive research environment! This webinar series (Part 1 of 4) is sponsored by the California Biostatistics Epidemiology and Research Design (CA BERD) Consortium.

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 9 to 10 a.m.
Via Zoom

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Lunch Series: READ what is SAID (Part 2)

Headshot of Ursula Worsham.
Ursula Worsham, EdD
Headshot of Xavier Hernandez.
Xavier Hernandez, PhD

Part 2: READ what is SAID provides a framework to understand microaggressions and implicit biases, with a focus on exploring nuanced examples. Hosted by Ursula Worsham, EdD, associate director of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) and the Plan to Enhance Diversity (PED) at the UCI Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Xavier Hernandez, PhD, diversity education officer at UCI School of Medicine.

Wednesday, Sept. 25, Noon to 1 p.m.
Via Zoom

Center for Translational Vision Research (CTVR) Distinguished Speaker Series
Seeing Small and Aiming Big: the Development and Clinical Impact of Optical Coherence Tomography, by David Huang, MDPhD, Director of Research, Casey Eye Institute; the Wold Family Endowed Chair in Ophthalmic Imaging and Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Oregon Health & Science University. Learn more.  

Friday, Sept. 27, 8:30 to 10 a.m.
Location: Hybrid event at Gavin Herbert Eye Institute Building, 3rd Floor Conference Room, or via Zoom

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NIH Loan Repayment Program Workshop – Get Your Student Loans Paid!
The Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) is hosting a virtual workshop intended for post-doctoral scholars and early-career faculty preparing to submit applications for the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRP). The LRPs are a set of programs established by Congress designed to assist health professionals with repaying their educational debt who have doctoral-level degrees and are conducting biomedical or behavioral research. Applicants may be eligible for up to $50,000 of loan repayment per year to repay their educational debt.

The workshop will be led by Connie Rhee, MD, MSc, professor-in-residence in the Department of Medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, with discussion on the application review process from an LRP reviewer, followed by Q&A with currently funded LRP awardees. This workshop is designed to provide an overview of the application process and prepare candidates for the November 2024 submission deadline.

Friday, Sept. 27, 9 to 11 a.m. 
Via Zoom

Harnessing the Power of Microgravity to Improve Life on Earth: Pinar Mesci, PhD
This UCI Muscle Biology & Disease Research Center Seminar will provide participants with an overview of ongoing biomedical initiatives shaping the next frontier for regenerative medicine and biomanufacturing that stand to provide significant global and societal benefits.

Friday, Sept. 27, Noon
Location: Tamkin Lecture Hall (F114) or via Zoom

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UCI Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute's Research Speaker Series
STREAM: Students who are Resilient, Empowered, Self-Aware and Moving, by S. Ama Wray, PhD, professor, Department of Dance, UCI Claire Trevor School of the Arts, and Dawn Bounds, PhD, associate professor, UCI Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing 

Wednesday, Oct. 2, Noon to 1 p.m.
Via Zoom 

Physiology & Biophysics Research in Progress Seminar 

Headshot of Shannon Geels.

Shannon Geels
Graduate Student
Francesco Marangoni, PhD, Lab
Department of Physiology & Biophysics
UCI School of Medicine  

Headshot of Emily Silzel.

Emily Silzel
Graduate Student
Philip L. Felgner, PhD, Lab
Department of Physiology & Biophysics 
UCI School of Medicine

Interruption of the intratumor CD8:Treg crosstalk in immunogenic melanoma improves the efficacy of PD-1 immunotherapyby Shannon Geels
Delivery Mechanisms and Immune Profiling of Novel Lipid Nanoparticle Vaccine Formulations in Muscle, by Emily Silzel

Wednesday, Oct. 2, 4 to 5 p.m. 
Location: Plumwood House Lecture Hall 
Southern California Regional Chapter of the Society of Toxicology 
Southern California Regional Chapter 2024 Fall Meeting: “Modern Perspectives in Toxicology”

Thursday, Oct. 3, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Location: Edwards Lifesciences, 1 Edwards Way, Irvine, CA 92614

ICTS Workshop: Responsible Conduct of Research
Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) is increasingly viewed as an essential component of training, regardless of a researcher's source of funding. The National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Science Foundation (NSF), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) require certain categories of researchers to receive RCR training. RCR is the practice of scientific investigation with integrity and involves the awareness and application of established professional norms and ethical principles in the performance of all activities related to scientific research. NIH requires RCR training (at least eight contact hours between participants and faculty). Instruction must be undertaken at least once during each career stage and at a frequency of no less than once every four years. To meet the NIH requirement, the Institute of Clinical and Translational Science and the Office of Research will be hosting a full workshop.

Friday, Oct. 4, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. & Friday, Oct. 25, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Medical Education Building, Room 4020

Genetics, Biomedical Computing and Genomics Monthly Meeting
Diagnosing Inborn Errors of Human Metabolism, by Jose Abdenur, MD, Volunteer Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UCI School of Medicine; Chief of the Division of Metabolic Disorders and Director of the Metabolic Laboratory, CHOC

Genome Editing for Treatment of Rare Lysosomal Storage Diseases, by Raymond Wang, MD, Associate Professor, Division of Genetic & Genomic Medicine, Department of Pediatrics; Director of the Multidisciplinary Lysosomal Disorder Program, and the UCI-REAL Alpha Stem Cell Clinic, CHOC 

Meeting hosted by the Genomics Research and Technology Hub (GRT Hub).  

Friday, Oct. 4, 10 to 11 a.m. PT
Via Zoom 

Meeting ID: 972 2945 8369
Passcode: 747468

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UCI Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS) Research Seminar Series
Utilizing functional brain connectomes to understand Alzheimer's disease pathology in Down syndrome, by Jennifer BrunoPhD, translational researcher, Stanford University. Hosted by the UCI Center for Aging Research in Down Syndrome (CFAR-DS).  

Friday, Oct. 4, 11 a.m. PT 
Via Zoom 

Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Research Presentations
Disrupting Healthcare Using Deep Data and Remote Monitoring, by Michael Snyder, PhD, Stanford W. Ascherman Professor of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine. Hosted by the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 

Monday, Oct. 7, 11 a.m. to Noon PT 
Location: Plumwood House (Showa Denko) Lecture Hall and Via Zoom 

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NIH Loan Repayment Program (LRP) Webinar
Applications for the NIH Extramural LRP are now open through Nov. 21, 2024. By applying, you could receive $100,000 in repayment of your qualified educational loan debt over a two-year LRP award period.

To help you better understand this exceptional opportunity, NIH invites you to join the LRP Technical Assistance Webinar. During the webinar, NIH will provide essential information on the LRP application process, eligibility requirements, and the many benefits of receiving an LRP award. If you are unable to attend the live session, no problem! By registering, you will receive a link to access the webinar recording at your convenience. You can also explore the LRP website and watch the overview video to learn more.

Monday, Oct. 7, Noon
Via Zoom 

Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Irvine Meetup
The Society of Behavioral Medicine is excited to offer you an exclusive opportunity to expand your horizons within the realm of behavioral medicine!

Tuesday, Oct. 8, 3 to 6 p.m.
Location: Sue & Bill Gross Stem Cell Research Center | Gross Hall - Thorp Conference Center (Room 4001)

Physiology & Biophysics Seminar Series
Dissecting the cell-specific roles of cellular retinaldehyde-binding (CRALBP) protein in photoreceptor function, by Philip D. KiserPharmDPhD, Associate Professor, Department of Physiology & Biophysics, UCI School of Medicine 

Wednesday, Oct. 9, 4 to 5 p.m.  
Location: Hybrid event at Plumwood House Lecture Hall and via Zoom 

Contact Claire Chen to join via Zoom. 
CALIT2 Workshop on Health & Research Innovations
The Workshop on Health & Research Innovations is a full-day event that brings together leading professionals, researchers and academics to explore the latest advancements in healthcare, mental health and research innovation. Learn more

Thursday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Location: Qualcomm Institute (QI) at Atkinson Hall, UC San Diego Campus

Monthly on Mondays | Faculty Development Series 
Starting a Lab and Mentoring Students, featuring panelists Karina Cramer, PhD, Peter Donovan, PhD, and Brian Cummings, PhDMonthly on Mondays, presented by Nimisha Parekh, MD, and Brian J. Cummings, PhD, associate deans of faculty development, is a monthly seminar series covering a wide range of topics focused on faculty development. 

Monday, Oct. 14, 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. 
Via Zoom 

Vision Research Salon
UCI School of Medicine and the Gavin Herbert Eye Institute invite you to meet our world-class researchers and get an inside look into their cutting-edge vision research at the Vision Research Salon. We hope you will join us for an opportunity to engage with other vision research colleagues from across UCI. The event will include several brief vision research talks during the first hour, followed by a reception.

Tuesday, Oct. 15, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. 
Location: Gillespie Hall, 837 Health Sciences Road, Irvine, CA 92617

CHOC Research Seminar: Early Life Adversity and the Co-Morbidity between Metabolic and Psychiatric Disease
Speaker: Patricia Pelufo Silveira, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, McGill University 

Wednesday, Oct. 16, Noon to 1:15 p.m. 
Via Zoom

NIH Grants Policy Updates: FY2025 Edition
As fall approaches, it’s essential to stay updated on the latest changes in NIH programs and policies. Join for an informative session where experts from the NIH Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA) will share key policy updates and discuss how these changes could impact your institution's compliance and system policies.

Thursday, Oct. 17, 10 to 11 a.m.
Virtual Event

Paolo Sassone-Corsi Lectureship
Speaker: Edith Heard, PhDFRS, Director General of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). The Paolo Sassone-Corsi Lectureship is presented and organized by the Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism and the Department of Biological Chemistry in honor of Paolo Sassone-Corsi's legacy in epigenetics and metabolism.

Thursday, Oct. 17, 5 to 7 p.m. 
Location: UCI Beall Applied Innovation

Call for Abstracts: Center for Epigenetics & Metabolism 2024 Symposium
The Center for Epigenetics and Metabolism's 2024 Symposium will feature scientific talks and poster presentations from leading researchers and trainees in the fields of epigenetics, metabolism, disease-mechanisms and more. Light refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Abstract deadline: Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024. Submit abstract with your registration

Friday, Oct. 18, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Location: UCI Beall Applied Innovation

UCI Conte Center and UCI Brain Seminar Series 
The Social Neuroscience Behind Face-to-Face Diplomacy, by Marcus Holmes, PhD, Professor and Chair, Department of Government; Director, Political Psychology and International Relations Lab (PPIR); Co-Director, Social Science Research Methods Center (SSRMC), William & Mary

Tuesday, Oct. 22, 4 to 5 p.m. PT 
Location: Hybrid event at Herklotz Conference Room at the Center for the Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 300 Qureshey Research Lab, Irvine, CA, and via Zoom 

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Nurturing your Academic Success: The Power of Committee Engagement
This session will explore the key role that active committee involvement plays in developing your academic career. Panelists in leadership positions across the School of Medicine will share effective strategies for maximizing the benefits of committee work and taking purposeful steps toward a successful career in academia. Register below to join us and gain valuable insights and practical advice on committee engagement. Panelists include Mohammad Helmy, MD, Megan Osborn, MD, MHPE, Deepti Pandita, MD, and Sunil Verma, MD, MBA. Hosted by the HS Clinical Faculty Mentoring Committee. 

Wednesday, Oct. 23, 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. 
Via Zoom 

Perspectives on Political Violence: Free Registration for Virtual Neuropolitics Symposium
The UCI Center for Neuropolitics' 2024 Symposium will address political violence in all its complexities. The symposium will use the tools of neuroscience, political science, history and psychology to comprehensively analyze the disturbing development and potential emergence in American life. The symposium includes the 2024 Jerrold Post Lecture on Neuropolitics, to be given by Ruth Ben-Ghiat, PhD, professor of history and Italian Studies at New York University. 

Friday, Oct. 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. PT
Via Zoom 

Grand Rounds and CME Symposia
For Continuing Medical Education (CME) opportunities, view the weekly Grand Rounds & CME Symposia email.
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Open Research Positions
Do you have an open research-related position you would also like announced in Research Insider? Please fill out this form to have your open position listed.

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Research Resources
NIH All About Grants Podcast – Simplified Review Framework 
NIH is simplifying review for most research project grants starting on Jan. 25, 2025. This NIH All About Grants podcast episode will discuss a few facets of Simplified Review Framework to keep in mind. You will hear directly from Drs. Stephanie Constant, NIH’s Review Policy Officer, and Lisa Steele, Chief of the Epidemiology and Population Health Branch within the NIH Center for Scientific Review. Read more
School of Medicine Research Development Unit Resources
What kind of grant support does the School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) provide?
School of Medicine Research Collaboration Request Form
Interested in finding research collaborators but not sure where to start? Complete the UCI School of Medicine Research Collaboration Request Form, and a member of the School of Medicine Research Development Unit will be in touch with you shortly. 
Intramural & Foundation Funding Opportunities Lists
The Research Development Unit (RDU) has created lists of intramural funding opportunities and foundation funding opportunities. If you have additional opportunities that should be included, please do not hesitate to email at
COVID-19 Information
If you have a positive COVID-19 test, you must report online using the Occupational Health COVID-19 Intake Form. Please refer to the new guidelines posted on July 3, 2024.
Contribute to Research Insider!
Submit your funding opportunities and events to next week's email here: Seminar/Event or Funding Opportunity.

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