School of Medicine Applications for Bridge Funding Due July 25 | Please note that the next UCI Office of Research deadline for Bridge Funding is Tuesday, August 1, 2023. Complete applications must include a signed letter of support by your department chair showing financial commitment. Bridge Funding applications are due to the School of Medicine Office of Research by Tuesday, July 25, 2023. Deadline: Tuesday, July 25, 2023 |
Postdoctoral Funding Opportunity! A.P. Giannini Foundation Fellowship | The A.P. Giannini Foundation invites physician-scientists and junior researchers with 3 to 36 months of postdoctoral research experience (as of Dec. 31, 2023) to apply to the 2024 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship & Leadership Award. The Fellowship and Leadership Award supports innovative research in the basic sciences and applied fields and trains fellows to become established investigators and to pursue scientific leadership positions in academia, industry, public and non-traditional career pathways. Research projects should advance the translation of biomedical science into preventions, treatments and cures for human diseases. Applicants with tenure-track research positions or faculty appointments are ineligible.
Fellows receive a competitive stipend for their research training. Candidates may be eligible to obtain additional salary support from their sponsoring institution. Fellows cannot concurrently hold a full fellowship from another source or a federally funded career development award. Fellows receive leadership training and support to maximize their postdoctoral experience. Fellows participate in workshops and receive one-on-one coaching to foster their communication and leadership skills. The Foundation requires that fellows participate in the Leadership Program.
For questions about the application process, reach out to Dr. Leslie Thompson ( lmthomps@hs.uci.edu).
Deadline: Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023, 3 p.m.
Updated IRB and hSCRO forms will be released after 5 p.m. on July 14, 2023 | The Institutional Review Board (IRB) and Human Stem Cell Research Oversight Committee (hSCRO) forms in Kuali Research Protocols (KRP) have been revised to incorporate regulatory requirements and to address feedback from the research community.
Draft transactions that are not submitted by 5 p.m. on July 14, will be automatically converted to the updated version. This may result in additional prompts that must be addressed. Transactions that are already approved will remain on the prior version of the KRP form.
New Certification Questions for Senior / Key Personnel on federal proposals | On Aug. 1, 2023, all Senior/Key Personnel on new and in-progress federal and federal flow-through proposals must complete new certification questions in Kuali Research Proposal Development (KRPD). These questions will help UCI meet the federal government’s expectations that grantee institutions submit complete and accurate federal proposals, including ensuring that all Senior/Key Personnel disclose their international engagements in compliance with federal agency disclosure requirements.
Research Engagement and Compliance (REC) and Electronic Research Administration will hold office hours at these times to help answer your questions and to demo how the new process will work in KRPD:
- Thursday, 7/13, 11 a.m. to noon
- Wednesdays, 7/19 and 7/26, 10 to 11 a.m.
Apply to the CFCCC Mentorship, Education and Training (MET) Program | The Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (CFCCC) Cancer Research Training & Education Coordination (CRTEC) is accepting applications for the Mentorship, Education and Training (MET) Program.
The CFCCC MET Program is a year-long mentoring program designed to engage the expertise of senior CFCCC members with the goal of supporting junior and mid-career CFCCC faculty (basic, clinical and population science) and to catalyze strategies for overcoming career and scientific challenges.
Learn more about the MET Program, including details on how to apply. Apply now until August 15, 2023.
Request for Information on Catalyzing the Development and Use of Novel Alternative Methods to Advance Biomedical Research | The National Institutes of Health (NIH) seeks public input on challenges and opportunities for the further development and use of novel alternative methods (NAMs) in biomedical research. NIH investment in these methods have proven beneficial tools across basic and clinical research studies, being developed and applied to interrogate cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's disease, infectious disease, rare diseases and more. Each NAM approach has unique strengths and limitations that vary depending on the specific research question being addressed.
To identify areas in which the development and use of NAMs provide the most value to biomedical research, NIH sought the assistance of the Advisory Committee to the Director (ACD), an advisory group that provides advice on matters pertinent to NIH mission responsibilities in the conduct and support of biomedical research, medical science and biomedical communications. The purpose of this request is to inform the NIH and the development of the ACD’s recommendations on high-priority areas for future investment.
To support the activities of the ACD Working Group, NIH is requesting information from interested individuals and communities on challenges and opportunities for the development and use of NAMs in biomedical research. Input sought includes, but is not limited to, feedback on the following:
- The use of novel alternative methods to study human biology, circuits, systems, and disease states.
- Approaches for catalyzing the development and validation of novel alternative method technologies.
- Strategies for maximizing the research value of novel alternative method technologies.
All comments must be submitted electronically here. It is not necessary to address each question/item. The comment period will close on August 16, 2023. Deadline: August 16, 2023 |
Second Call for New Proposals: Basic and Translational Research Programs Requiring Wet Lab Space | There is a second call for new proposals for basic and translational research programs requiring wet lab space. This is a follow-up call to the original RFP in 2021. This call is for new proposals.
Please submit your proposals for research programs to Shauna Stark, starks@hs.uci.edu by Sept. 1, 2023. The School of Medicine’s Office of the Dean will reach out to you with recommendations for revision so they can be forwarded to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs by Oct. 15, 2023.
Deadline: Friday, Sept. 1, 2023 |
Join AAAS for Future Honorary Fellow Eligibility | Researchers are encouraged to become members of AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science). There are many member benefits and membership in this esteemed organization has been a time-honored tradition in the scientific community.
An important benefit of membership in AAAS is to position yourself to be elected as an AAAS Honorary Fellow. AAAS Fellows are a distinguished group of scientists, engineers and innovators who have been recognized for their extraordinary achievements. In a tradition stretching back to 1874, Fellows are elected annually by the AAAS Council. View the list of AAAS Fellows elected in 2022.
The UCI School of Medicine Awards Nominations Committee would like to nominate our researchers for consideration for election to AAAS Fellowship. One must be a continuous member of AAAS for the four-year period leading up to the year of nomination. Please make yourself eligible for this honor and become a member. |
| We have been collecting information about new awards sent in by the School of Medicine research community and have created this space to share the news.
- Gelareh Sadigh, MD, Radiological Sciences - NIH NCI R01 funded study will test a new mobile health intervention that facilitates remote monitoring and patient-provider communication outside of clinic visits regarding the use of the medication among English- and Spanish-speaking patients treated at community oncology practices across the country.
- Elizabeth Head, PhD, Pathology - NIH U24 funding will support the development of tools and reagents as a shared resource to study structural polymorphisms in Abeta amyloid aggregates in AD.
- Heike Thiel de Bocanegra, PhD, MPH, MA, Obstetrics & Gynecology - NIH G08 funding will advance reproductive health equity in Afghan and Syrian newcomers through digital health literacy.
- Jacqueline Kim, PhD, Medicine - American Psychological Foundation funding will support the study of “Impacts of Refugee History for Vietnamese Americans with Advanced/Metastatic Cancer.”
Have you or someone on your research team received a new grant, i.e., research funding? The School of Medicine Office of Research would like to know! Please fill out this short New Funding/Grant Survey form. |
UC Noyce Initiative 2023 Call for Applications | The UC Noyce Initiative is a partnership between five University of California campuses (Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, San Francisco, Santa Barbara) that honors the legacy of Ann S. Bowers and Robert N. Noyce by advancing computing, information science and engineering for the benefit of society. To further this aim, the UC Noyce Initiative intends to support research efforts that are innovative, have the potential for high-impact, and hold a strong promise for follow-on funding. The UC Noyce Initiative is particularly interested in supporting high-risk, high-reward research that typically does not qualify for traditional or federal funding agencies. In 2023, the UC Noyce Initiative requests proposals in two thematic focus areas: (1) Computational Health; (2) Privacy and Security.
Researchers may apply for either a Multi-Campus Partnership Award (up to $1M over 2 years) or a Single Campus Award (up to $300K over 2 years). The initiative anticipates awarding up to four Multi-Campus Partnership Awards and up to 10 Single Campus Awards in 2023. For more information, please view/download the full RFP.
Deadline: Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2023, at 6 p.m. |
Cellular and Molecular Biology of Complex Brain Disorders (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PAR-24-024) | This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) encourages research on the biology of high-confidence risk factors associated with complex brain disorders, with a focus on the intracellular, transcellular, and circuit substrates of neural function. For the purposes of this NOFO, the term “complex” can refer to a multifactorial contribution to risk (e.g., polygenic and/or environmental) and/or highly distributed functional features of the brain disorder. Studies may be either hypothesis-generating (unbiased discovery) or hypothesis-testing in design and may utilize in vivo, in situ or in vitro experimental paradigms, e.g., model organisms or human cell-based assays. While behavioral paradigms and outcome measures can be incorporated into the research design to facilitate the characterization of intracellular, transcellular, and circuit mechanisms, these are neither required nor expected. Studies should not attempt to “model” disorders but instead should aim to elucidate the neurobiological impact of individual or combined risk factor(s), such as the affected molecular and cellular components and their relationships within defined biological process(es). This can include the fundamental biology of these factors, components, and processes. The resulting paradigms, component pathways, and biological processes should be disseminated with sufficient detail to enrich common and/or federated data resources (e.g., those contributing to the Gene Ontology, Synaptic Gene Ontology, FAIR Data Informatics) in order to bridge the gap between disease risk factors, biological mechanism and therapeutic target identification. The present NOFO (R01 activity code) can be used for applications to further develop lines of inquiry where feasibility or proof-of-concept has been established. Applicants proposing exploratory research at the early and conceptual stages of project development should apply to the companion R21 NOFO PAR-24-025. View the NOFO. Earliest Deadline: Thursday, Oct. 5, 2023 Expiration Date: Sept. 8, 2026
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Admin Supp Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (PA-23-189) | The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention hereby notify Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) whose research is supported by specific types of research grants that funds are available for administrative supplements to enhance the diversity of the research workforce by recruiting, mentoring and supporting high school, undergraduate and graduate/clinical students, postbaccalaureate and post-masters individuals, postdoctoral researchers (including health professionals), and eligible investigators from diverse backgrounds, including those from groups who have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research. This supplement opportunity is also available to support PD(s)/PI(s) of research grants who are or become disabled and need additional support to accommodate their disability in order to continue to work on the research project. The activities proposed in the supplement application must fall within the scope of the parent grant, and simultaneously advance the objectives of the parent grant and support the research training and professional development of the supplement candidate.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is designed specifically for applicants proposing research that does not involve leading an independent clinical trial, a clinical trial feasibility study, or an ancillary clinical trial. Applicants to this NOFO are permitted to propose research experience in a clinical trial led by a mentor or co-mentor.
Deadline: Varies by awarding institute or center |
For More Funding Opportunities | For more funding opportunities and resources for your funding search, visit the Funding Opportunities page on the new and updated website for the UCI School of Medicine.
For a curated, searchable and filterable list of funding opportunities by NIH in their weekly NIH guide listserv, check out the School of Medicine Funding Search Tool. |
Upcoming Seminars & Events |
NCI Drug Development Workshop II: Specialized Topics in Preclinical Development of Small Molecule Cancer Drugs | This workshop will encompass a series of six webinar-based lectures. They will address specialized topics that are important for the preclinical development of small molecule cancer drugs. The intention is to help investigators mitigate the translational risk of selected candidates during their later stages of product development and increase the chances of entering clinical evaluation. The intended audience is translational scientists who are interested in preclinical development of cancer drugs. Junior faculty, staff and trainees are encouraged to attend this workshop. Sessions start at 10 a.m. PT, and includes 60–90 minutes of lectures and 15 minutes of facilitated discussion. View the agenda for more information about this workshop.
June 22 to July 28, 2023, on selected Thursdays and Fridays, at 10 a.m. PT |
ICTS Community Health Research Exchange Presents: Community-Academic Partnered Research Presentations | Come engage with academic-community research teams to discuss important aspects of partnerships, partnership development for research projects, potential pitfalls to avoid, and managing competing interests. They will discuss their research partnerships within the context of the Campus-Community Research Incubator (CCRI) projects they completed.
- Karen Lindsay, PhD, RDN (UCI) & Trina Robertson, MS, RDN (Dairy Council of CA)
- Dave Lugo (CEO MOMS OC) & Heike Thiel de Bocanegra, PhD, MPH, MA (UCI)
Friday, July 14, 2 to 3:30 p.m.
Statistics Workshops, presented by Insight Research Services Associated | Insight Research Services Associated, an Australia-based company, is presenting workshops online May through July at a time suitable for participants in North America. The workshop in July will cover an Introduction to Structural Equation Modelling.
There is a registration fee. These workshops are aimed at non-statisticians as well as statisticians new to these fields. For questions, contact Mark at m.griffin@insightrsa.com. Keep up to date with the training programs we deliver by joining our email list. Register and learn more about our workshops.
July 17-20, 1 to 4 p.m. PT
CHOC Research Education: NIH Grant Writing: Funding Success Part 2 | Speakers: Sheila Cherry, PhD, and Jessica Lerch, PhD Topics: - How to tailor your proposals to grant reviewers
- How to position your research and yourself to make reviewers your research advocates
Wednesday, July 19, noon to 1:15 p.m.
Making a Difference in Human Subjects Research: Empowering Participants, Engaging Communities, and Protecting Data | Interested in spending two informative days with the HHS Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) and your fellow colleagues in the human research protection world? If so, make plans to attend this in-person event, highlighting the ethical challenges and opportunities presented by AI technologies and innovations in academic-community partnerships.
Be sure to check out the line-up of speakers which includes experts from the NIH Office of Science Policy (OSP). Don’t miss this valuable and engaging opportunity to share challenges and learn best practices on how to manage, share and protect research data from HHS experts and your institutional colleagues.
Sept. 26–27, 2023 Location: Ann Arbor, Michigan
NIH Biosketch Info Session Recording | The Research Development Unit (RDU) recently held a NIH Biosketch info session. View the recording and slide deck. If you have any questions or would like the RDU to review your biosketch to ensure compliance, please email somrd@hs.uci.edu. |
New Intake Forms for Research Development Support! | |
Submitting for a UCOP funding opportunity? Remember this! | UCOP is not an internal sponsor because the funding originates from off-campus, so all UCOP projects need to be routed via the standard KR process. For questions, please direct to your Contract & Grants Analyst. |
Are you considering applying for Limited Funding Opportunities? | In most cases, interested applicants submit a pre-proposal to the Office of Research where a committee reviews all submissions and makes a recommendation to the Vice Chancellor for Research about which proposal should go forward from UCI. Limited opportunities are advertised on fundopp.uci.edu with a link to apply. However, if you do not see a limited opportunity listed, please contact the Research Development Unit. We can relay your application plans to the UCI Office of Research so they are aware of the number of interested PIs/units on campus and, if necessary, coordinate PIs or create a review process. |
Grants Preparation Material Request Form | This Grants Preparation Material Request Form includes numerous NIH templates and checklists (e.g., diversity supplements, RCR, K applications and the PEDP) as well as boilerplate material.
Save yourself time by requesting and taking advantage of these documents. Please review the Grant Preparation Material Request Form, spread the word among your colleagues about this resource, and contact the Research Development Unit ( somrd@hs.uci.edu) if you have any questions or suggestions. |
What is Research Development? | Research Development encompasses strategic, proactive, and capacity-building activities designed to support individual faculty and teams of faculty in obtaining extramural research funding and also increase institutional competitiveness. The UCI School of Medicine Research Development Unit (RDU) meets individual faculty to provide information regarding research resources and assistance with grant proposals.
Do you want funding opportunities matching your research program automatically emailed to you? The RDU can also help you set up a Pivot account in minutes via Zoom and answer any questions you may have. Read more about Pivot and other Funding Search Tools. Reserve a slot here! |
COVID-19 Reminders | With California’s COVID-19 state of emergency having ended on February 28, 2023, employees and students are reminded to continue to report their COVID-19 cases to Contact Tracing and Vaccine Navigation Services, which continues to investigate and contact trace cases. Free face coverings and antigen tests continue to be available on campus.
Please note that the end of the emergency does not mean the end of COVID-19, so individuals should continue to gauge their risk and take steps to protect themselves and their communities by staying up to date with vaccinations and boosters, staying home if sick, testing, washing hands and wearing masks when appropriate.
For the latest information on campus status and operational updates, please visit UCI Forward. For UCI Health updates, please visit UCI Health's COVID-19 page on SharePoint. |
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