2016 AHP Implementation Plan Amended
The Affordable Housing Committee of the Bank’s Board of Directors approved an amendment to the 2016 Affordable Housing Program Implementation Plan.
Specifically, the amendment:
  • Referenced disbursement policy for acceptable timeframes of owner-occupied household income documentation in the competitive program
  • Added enrollment date definition for the Downpayment Plus® (DPP®) program referencing the DPP Income Calculation Guidelines and DPP Program Guide for household income eligibility determination
  • Eliminated the requirement to secure the Affordable Housing Program (AHP) subsidy via a mortgage or other appropriate real property security instrument in owner-occupied transactions; a recorded retention agreement remains required
  • Clarified retention period inception for owner-occupied projects
  • Added final adjusted development cost-per-unit guidelines for the competitive AHP program
  • Clarified the criteria for the Rehabilitation of Existing Occupied Housing scoring category in the competitive AHP program
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