A Snapshot for Participating Financial Institutions | Winter 2013
MPF Webinars a Huge Success
In 2012, the MPF Program presented 69 webinars to 697 PFIs—which translated into more than 1,300 of their employees. The webinar survey results were impressive: 97% of the respondents indicated they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the content and presentation.

Webinars were offered for both the MPF portfolio and MPF Xtra products and covered such topics as loan eligibility, investor reporting, quality control, and the new DU® Refi Plus™ and Refi Plus™ product offering. The “How to Use the MPF Guides” webinar was of significant interest to PFIs. As a reminder, PFIs can access (and bookmark) the webinar training calendar at http://www.fhlbmpf.com/info/calendar.asp.

Also in 2012, the MPF Program introduced the MPF Training Curriculum. The curriculum, available exclusively through AllRegs®, offers 26 online, self-paced courses free of charge to PFI employees. The courses offered help to expand staff’s knowledge of the mortgage industry. As of the end of 2012, more than 200 PFI employees have registered for the MPF Training Curriculum.
To learn more about the MPF Training Curriculum, see MPF Marketing Bulletin 2012-2, which can be accessed by clicking MPF Marketing Bulletin 2012-2. 

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