A Snapshot for Participating Financial Institutions | Fall 2012
PFIs “Very Satisfied” with MPF Program Webinars
From July 1 to September 20, the MPF Program presented 12 webinars to PFIs from across the country on a variety of topics. More than 500 people from 470 PFIs participated, and the survey results were impressive: 100% of the survey respondents indicated they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the webinars’ content and presentation.

Webinars were offered for both the MPF portfolio and MPF Xtra® products. The webinars covered loan eligibility, investor reporting, quality control, and the new DU® Refi Plus™ and Refi Plus™ product offering. The “How to Use the MPF Guides” webinar was of significant interest to PFIs. More than 65 people attended and requests have been received asking for more sessions to be held in the near future.

The training calendar for the fourth quarter will offer additional webinars on general mortgage industry topics, in addition to those on doing business with the MPF Program. Click here for the October calendar. 

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