A Snapshot for Participating Financial Institutions | Fall 2012
ULDD: 10 Tips for Successful Delivery
On July 19, the MPF Program and MPF Xtra® PFIs completed the implementation that requires a Uniform Loan Data Delivery (ULDD)/XML data file as the only method for the Loan Presentment process under the MPF Xtra product.

Over the past two months PFIs have become more comfortable delivering these new data files. However, when there are errors, they typically fall under the categories listed below; click here to read the PFI advisory that contains all of the answers and tips to these categories. 
  1. Missing “MI Absence Reason” 
  2. Missing “Price Lock Date” 
  3. Missing “Property Year Built” 
  4. “Mailing Address Same as Property Address Indicator” 
  5. “Borrower Mailing Address” 
  6. Error “Appraisal Identifier”
  7. Error “Housing & Total Debt to Income Ratios"
  8. Using Loan Prospector (LP)
  9. Using Desktop Underwriter (DU) 
  10. Two-Step ULDD Validation Process

Click here to read the answers and tips.

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